Yaaaaay your beloved blogger is back, healthy and beautiful as ever !!!! Now, I only have two hours to tell everything that happened the past few daes.
Here I go then:
/1 Flight was ok, only the parts at the airport were damn stressful, cuz we took too many things wit us and had cheat hardcore to get everything on the plane . Everything else was alrite. Food was yummy (pics later) movies were good (Narnia, A Kingdom for a Lama, some chin drama..) Pics:
/2 Hanoi blabla I gotta saz the weather is goddamn hoooooooooooooooooooooooooot If my aunt didn*t got an air conditioner, I would surely been dead for long. Traffic is cruel, not sooo cruel like everyone tells but it is life-threatening. The day before I saw men on mopeds tranporting mopeds.............. Crazy ppl over here rly..... Soooooo the house of my aunt got 5 floors, it is clean, no mosquitos, no lizards. And air conditioners everywhere and 3 showers + toilets. errrr............. and yah.......... dunno what to tell
we went to the opera of Hanoi once to watch a Vietnamese drama, it was awful~~~~~~ Bad, abstract, disgusting, boring, unlogical story. I wanted to got to 'Fashion and Flower Arts' but we couldn't book tickets cuz the planned date of it was too far from today {28.8} But the opera itself is rly beautiful~~~~~~~~~ Now, we also went to my mom que = home village.... but that isn't very interesting. Didn't went shopping until now, maybe we're going today, dunno But we went for many walks, cool shops here, rly - aso REAL LV shops blabla I like cho dong xuan or whatever, it's more like a market, but got many cute things..... And jeeeez VN night life is cool, but strange, streets are crowded wit ppl on their motobikes and wannabe players and bitches, who sometimes do life-threatening races. My uncles says they are only rich pps children~~~~~~~~~~ DIEEEEEEE. I HATE YOUUUU!!!!!!
So, that's it for now. Srz, but somehow I'm veeeeeery stressed.
P.S.: vn keyboard sucks......
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx hours later: Ok internet is tooooooooooo slow.............. no pics...................
OMG only 2 days !!!!!!!!!! Look how small my suicase is xD Whuat?! Am I a girl or not? Loolzz I dunno, but everything I wanted to take to Vietnam has found a place in there.
Tml I*m going to buy some magazines to entertain possibly upcoming boredom once I*m over there, my 2nd or 1st light reading will be: Everyone Worth Knowing ~siiigggh~ !^^ Well, I think I won*t read it anyway.... I think I*m too lazy. Another thing I want to get in order to prevent myself from getting bored is Sims Pets and Sims 2 for mobile.... But somehow my bro doesn*t seem to want to get those games for me...
What to tell you~~~~~~~ Aww... I past my theoretical driving license test yesterday !!! Yaaaaay xD Jeeezz... I won*t touch one of this goddamn questionnaires again in my life !!!! Well, I have never ever learned so much for anything before, it would have been a bad joke if I hadn*t passed yesterday {jux overread the grammer mistakes o.O} I got 0 mistakes, but my questionnaire was a joke, too. It was sooooooooow gooddamn easy, man. There were only pics and I had to tick off the correct answers. No fucking questions like: How fast are you allowed to drive with a car, mass x tons and a trailer out of town on a street with one lane for each direction? or Why shouldn*t you switch engine of and step on the clutch while you are driving down slope?
Only 1 question was hard, it asked what one is supposed to do in a mall {Fußgängerzone}/ predestrian precinct.
I didn*t know. I have never seen this questions before. And that *s ridiculous, cuz do you know what I did every free second in my holidays until yesterday 4.15 pm? And this questions is ridiculous, too, cuz I had no free second !!! I solved each of the 10000000000000000 questionnaires I had 100000000000000 times !!!! {warning: numbers are a tiny bit exaggerated}
So, why why why didn*t I see that question before?
I sat there thinking, there were 2 possibilities: #1: You are allowed to go there at walking pace, which would mean that answer 3: residents can drive there' is aso right #2: Your aren*t allowed to use any motor vehicle there
1st I wanted to take #1, but in the end I jux thought, that it is highly possible that a mall is tooo crowded, so it wouldn*t be sensible to let cars drive there. I ticked of #2 and it was perfectly right and I got 0 mistakes.
My mom dyed my hair again {bad topic-change} Not it looks barbie-strange- blond at the top and kinda brown at the end.
Sun glass aso new. Love them. Colors of the pic ugly, cuz I jux woke up, made that pic and am tooo lazy to do awesome editing work right now.
New layout: Ugly and primitive I know !^^ But no time to make a nice new layout anymore. I will fly in two daes !!!! Remember !!! Well and if that fucking layout looks stupid in IE get FIREFOX maaaan !!!!!!
The end. I dunno what to say anymore~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ahh....... Infos: I will stay in Vietnam for 4 weeks i.e. 1 month !!! We*ll see if I manage to blog from time to time........... Ok..... See you then !^^ I hope . . . . . This was a farewell before I go to Vietnam, man !!! =( So jeeez, start to cry and wish me all good things and say *See you soon* !!!!!
Yup, today they begin. And if I listen to this song, which is the official Olympic games song 2008 I know that today*s opening ceremonies will be wonderful, cuz this song can really be called a masterpiece the vid is awesome, too {like most chinese mv*s}
It*s so crap, that I can*t watch the opening ceremonies, but my dad says our satellite might be broken. We bought a new receiver, but still it would only say *No Signal*
I was shopping again on~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh yesterday. I got a pair of shoes, they are super kawaii.
I aso wanted a pair of ballerinas, but they were to small {3,5}. They looked so wonderful.... I can*t remember the brand....... they looked like they were from TOD*S or~~~~~~~~ forgotten. Anyway, that I didn*t get them was a shame! Their real price 299 € !!!, but they were on Sale, so they were sold for 20€ !!!! The shoes I bought were reduced from 80€ to 10€, just no comparison =.= But at least they were from a Limited Collection, althought I have never heard sth of that brand before.......
In generall I lyke that store, cuz they always have to extremely reduce the prices of small shoes, cuz noone can wear them. Noone - except me xD Once I bought two pair of boots there, one from DIESEL, which were from 150€ to 10 + €, and another pair from 200€ to 20€, I think. And threee bras from 55€ to 5€, DKNY.
But errrrr~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Somehow got distracted wit trying to show off wit great bargains, which I could get hold of xD
{ax, my WHOLE left arm itches - THOSE MOTHERFUCKING mosquitos, HOW am I gonna survive vietnam like that?! + my right eye is swollen =.=}
LooLZzz..... Ever heard of the german word MUCKEFUCK? I found the word in my dictionary, when I searched for the translation of *mosquito* MUCHEFUCK = colloguial, DISGUSTINLY WEAK COFFEE, coffe substitue Imagine: Ugh! What motherfucking.... I mean muckefuck....
Well, no - I din*t got distracted this time, I knew that I was writing this. Gon on wit the programm man! I have a new mo, too. It*s a Nokia 6300. Nth spectacular. {Huh? I think I did mention that I got a new mo, right?} Actually I*d lyke to have a Sony Erricson, but since my mom offered to buy me a Nokia, how can I say no? And now, I*m always sitting in front of that thing and play stupid games!!! Since my bro got me *Paris Hilton*s Diamond Quest* {yes, I play a goddamn game of goddamn Paris Hilton? Hoooooooow caaaaaaaaaaannnnnn?!} and *Sims blablabla*, I only play games on it !!!!!!!! And I am desperately trying to design an OWN theme for my mo, but it jux won*t work. =.= Maybe I*m going to get the theme, of that Love mo froom Nokia......
Now, back to the topic Plympics 2008 in Beijing. In Beijing they have 5 traditional *I dunno what they are anymore* They are Beibei {pig?}, Jingjing {?}, Huanhuan {fire}, Yingying {some sort of antelope} and Nini{swallow} And if you take the fist syllable at these word and add them together that makes: Beibei Jingjing Huanhuan Yingying Nini ~> Beijing Huan Ying Ni = Welcome to Beijing!!!!! Cute, innit?
And another fact of China, which my father red in a newspapaer and told me and which really made me cry: I think you know, that in China, ppl are doing EVERYTHING, to take as much profit out of this games as possible? Since they knew that the Olympics would take place in China, parents are sending their little sons and daughter to special *sport schools* in masses!!! There they have to work the whole day, from dawn till dust. They are forced to do sports the whole day, no mercy. No common sense, no understanding for those lil bodies and souls, who they torture year afer year and who they are damagin and ruining. I would wonder, if there haven*t been any kids there who just died, of exhaustion, of a sports acccident of a lack of love, or because they commited suicide. My father told me the story of two chinese girls, who were trained to be sprinters. No they can*t work anymore, after years of training and giving their best, they can*t take part in the Olympics, which was their forced aim. It took them their childhood, they sacrificed everything they had, and now.... it was all in vain. Not only that, I bet their parents were angry, they spend all their money so that they two could attend this school, and now that! But you must now, HOW they were trained: Therey goddamn, motherfucking trainer {may he burn in hell forever, lose his legs in a car accident, get burned in the face, lose his life and potence, may he get a terrible disease, which brings him unbearable pain for the rest of his life and may he therefor life until he*s 100!} Well their trainer, had a very special, NEW, *genious* idea of making his students run faster. He let them run, took his car and drove behind them !!! So that they were nearly ran over! The girls ran in fear of near death!!!!! Can you imagine this? It makes me cry.
Wit time go by slowly there biggest toe began to bend over their over toes, cuz they had to spring so much. In the end it was kinda lying on the other toes or lying in front of them. Imagine to walk like that? Wit your big toe in fron of your feet? How to use shoes? You can*t walk in open shoes anymore!!!! In the end, they had a operation, I dunno if they managed to shorten it bag, or if they had to cut it off.....
I shall end my post here, cuz actually I lack words to describe how cruel this or their trainer is. It jux makes me cry...... And wit watching these olympics games we*re supporting this methods!!! But how can we jux not watch them, it*s a sports even after all............. What can we do? I think it*s so difficult to try and explain china sth, like the thing wit tibet. It seems like impossible.
Edit: OMG OMG I HATE the spelling mistakes my posts are full of. today is a funny day, now it rains terribly and in the nxt moment the sun is shining again and it*s damn hot !^^ What I should I wear?
I was out shopping again yesterday and bought a dress and a LOVELY anorak. Aso I bought some Hello Kitty stuff, presents for my youngest cousin and a *Vietnam Diary*, which I*ll use to write a summery of every day I stay in Vietnam, everything from Esprit. Today my parents packed 3 suitcases full wit presents for my aunt+uncle+their kids. Ill......... Yap,yap we*ll fly in 11 daes. AND I got holidaes now !^^ Sooww.... my report was ok....... average 1,7. It*s ok.... I have to do better, leh.... Got an A in English, German, economy/jurisprudence and some other subject....
Well, this is what I bought for my cousin
A pink *WIRE-O-BOOK* and a pink ballpoint pen I hope she lykes pink things, otherwise......... Well, she still has to mobile my mom bought for her =.=
And this is the *diary* I bought for me xD
Also very chio! I got a *thing were you put tea lights in* which has the same pattern, only it*s black and grey !^^ This *WIRE-O-BOOK "KANGAROO"* is wider than the one for my cousin, cuuuuuuz:
There*s a pen inside !!!!! Cool, innit?
The Hello Kitty stuff I bought:
Jeeeeez, I*m a Hello Kitty + Pink freak !^^ It*s jux too kawaii ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !^^
Hello Kitty pencil sharpener
You get the pen, stick it in her ass and then...... sharpen it xD
Hello Kitty bookmark, Hello Kitty ruler
I wonder why - until now - there is no such thing used in Germany. It is obvious that a clip like this is a much better book mark than some colorful sheet of paper, which can jux fall out of the book. But somehow, the idea of a bookmark-clip hasn*t find it*s way to the German market.
And now This ruler is the perfect thing for me. It*s not only pink, It*s not only from Hello Kitty, but it*s scale is inside of the ruler !
The scale is ON the ruler normally and I find that pretty annoying cuz after months of making wonderful straight lines and drawing perfect figures and diagrams, the scale jux....... vanishes, the numbers fade away..... and in the end, it*s nothing more than a stupid stick to me. And I can only guess where the 5cm mark is/was..... Cannot happen wit this ultimative pink Hello Kitty ruler lah !!!
HongKong Airlines Will be flying wit em.... Wit a stopover at Hongkong.... Whaaa~~~~~~~~~ !^^ Hey, I lyke Hongkong xD Owww.... I*m soooo lookin forward to fly to Vietnam !^^ Now, still.............. 11 daes Awwww....... Crazy. But before we finally go, I gotta pass my theoretical driving license test =.=
CRAP! xD Well a man must do, what he must do. See ya all again.... in some time.....
P.S.: Our TV or receiver is broken........ Can believe? Totally stupid......