Surpries for you at the end of post
Sry for vanishing without telling you, but on the way to Nice I suddenly realized that I forgot to post and it was too late by then.
And over there I had no free internet access.
It was damn hot there, even when we just arrived in Italy.
Got out of the bus and overkill like getting out of the plane in Vietnam.
Fucking couldn't believe it.
We sweated the whole time there, in bed, after showering, while eating, etc.
But it was super nice, when we arrived at Nice, it looked so run-down, I really wondered how to take a few nice shots there, but it turned out to be really nice eventually. In the end our group became some sort of D-Stars there, because we'd jumped into the big fountain on that big plaza and make beach parties in it.
We got to see Cannes and Monco of course, and visited Grasse and St. Paul de Vence, it's a really beautiful city!
Many things happened, but I think it'd be too much and trivial to tell you everything.
Oh, only this, I bought a street sign saying Princess Parking Here All other will be toad for 50 bucks, which got me trouble with my friends again.
But once I saw this
And I absolutely wanted a similar sign, but right now I realize that this sign's coolness is far beyond mines.
I know it's exaggerated to buy a street sign for so much, but that's one of my once in a lifetime things.
I also bought 2 totally korean style tee's and err......... the new christmas fragrance at Galinard's and err....... some unimportant rubbish.
(Can't be, I spend most out of my friends)
Anyways, my last post is more or less 3 weeks old, which really shocked me.
But you see, summer and christmas time is the most busiest time every.
Esspecially this year, not only do you have performances and concerts yourself, you also have to go to other performances,etc of people you know, so I really had no day off.
Often I had sth to do in town, after that getting home and change, only 20 min later I'm on the road again.
That's why I'm trying to make everything up with this post.
Dunno how far I'm succeeding, since I find my post always uber fail.
I got some very nice comments recently.
I will at least answer both which were left in the previous post.
Doing this on German, because I want to.
Manchmal überleg ich mir echt, Anonymous zu verbieten, weil es echt extrem auf die Eier geht, aber dann tut ihr armen Schisser mir leid (womöglich nicht der richtige Ton um seine Leser anzusprechen, aber wie soll man euch sonst nennen).
Ehrlich, ich hätte ein besseres Gefühl, wenn ich euch einfach $eXy BiAtCh oder o0Amy-chan0o nennen würdet.
Zum 1. Kommentar:
Ich würde liebend gern Photos in den Kleidern machen, aber leider habe ich keinen Ganz-Körper-Spiegel (in unserem ganzen Haus nicht vorhanden) und ich möchte es keinem antun, mich mit 17453 Kleidern abzulichten. Deswegen vorerst, seltener Ganz-Körper-Shopping-Hauls-Präsentier-Pics von mir.
2. Kommentar:
Ich behaupte jetzt mal ganz dreist, das ist das Licht, aber natürlich könnte man seine Frage auch ein wenig präzisieren (bzgl. der Bilder).
Und jetzt freut euch, ich werde nicht mehr so bald dem spontanen Drang Deutsch zu schreiben (den ich übrigens öfters verspüre) folgen.
Ehrlich, ich hätte ein besseres Gefühl, wenn ich euch einfach $eXy BiAtCh oder o0Amy-chan0o nennen würdet.
Zum 1. Kommentar:
Ich würde liebend gern Photos in den Kleidern machen, aber leider habe ich keinen Ganz-Körper-Spiegel (in unserem ganzen Haus nicht vorhanden) und ich möchte es keinem antun, mich mit 17453 Kleidern abzulichten. Deswegen vorerst, seltener Ganz-Körper-Shopping-Hauls-Präsentier-Pics von mir.
2. Kommentar:
Ich behaupte jetzt mal ganz dreist, das ist das Licht, aber natürlich könnte man seine Frage auch ein wenig präzisieren (bzgl. der Bilder).
Und jetzt freut euch, ich werde nicht mehr so bald dem spontanen Drang Deutsch zu schreiben (den ich übrigens öfters verspüre) folgen.
I've got a question, should I or ppl in generell answer to unfounded statements ? (Cheap example: You're shitty)
Well, I reckon that their a quite a few people who like to interact more with me in one or the other way, so I bothered to code some form spring thingy myself.
Click here to Ask me Anything!
will put up this afternoon!(I actually didn't bother to code, because I simply love coding!)
The reason why I didn't use formspring, is because I hate forms hosted by 3rd person, so I prefer hosting everything myself.
So, please, everybody, be creative, I look forward to your question !!!!
Chu, Ailing