I'm like blogging again!
w00t, feels so shiok!
So... let me bore you away with some stupid quote by the Steppenwolf book.
(I must tell you that I'm translating this by myself, so I guess it's not a very nice and proper, nor idiomatic translation!)
Well, the citizen appreciates nothing more than his self (a only rudimentary develloped self though). At the expense of intensity he then attains maintenance and safety, instead of obsession with god he wins a calm conscience, instead of desire comfort, instead of freedom indolence, instead of lethal fire a pleasing temperature. The citizen is out of his character a creature of a weak vital instinct, anxious, fearing each unveiling of one's self, easy to rule over. Thus he has put in place of power majority, in place of violence the law, in place of responsibility the voting procedure.
Sorry for the shitass translation and sorry, if you don't get what the original text means. Here's e same in German
Der Bürger nun schätzt nichts höher als das Ich (ein nur rudimentar entwickeltes Ich allerdings). Auf Kosten der Intensität also erreicht er Erhaltung und Sicherheit, statt Lust Behagen, statt Freiheit Bequemlichkeit, statt tödlicher Glut eine angenehme Temperatur. Der Bürger ist deshalb seinem Wesen nach ein Geschöpf von schwachem Lebenstrieb, ängstlich, jede Preisgabe seiner selbt fürchtend, leicht zu regieren. Er hat darum an Stelle der Macht die Majorität gesetzt, an Stelle der Gewalt das Gesetz, an Stelle der Verantwortung das Abstimmungsverfahren.
Yes, a very interestign and funny part
I just want to tell you of some gal, actually we are/used to be quite good friends.
The reason why I wrote used to be is that actually her character is not so... nice. She's totally ungrateful to her parents, you see. Totally.
First of all, for her, her parents suck. Since she has been very young, she always locked the door to her room and even stick something over the keyhole, so that they couldn't look into her room. Idk if her parents are really that curious, or see themselves forced to be so due to their daughters behaviour, but in my oppinion, she's just paranoid. You know, doing too many stuffs she isn't allowed to do, and then constantly having the feeling as if people knew or are suspecting you and fearing that they will find out.
She never spoke too nice of her parents and often complained about them. In general she isn't a very good daughter.
So, I met her again the other day and she told me that she lives in an apartment share already. The price is 185€ all inclusive (water, phone, internet, etc), which is totally cheap! I know that she has a little job too and the money she earns should be more than enough, but she told me that actually the child benefit she/ her parents still get is already enough.
I was curious of how she could get her parents to let her live alone and she said, that she had just signed the lease. WTF!
This is so bold! My parents would throw me out of the family and nvr speak to me again!
I bet her parents even helped her moving and she even gets her child benefit?
Also the day I met her, she was shopping for a winter jacket, for which her mother gave her 100€ extra. Excuse me?
Today my friend told me that each week her parents drop by to bring her her laundry and two bags full of food + she gets 100€ pocket money a month! Eh?
Her parents must be blind to the max!
Even if she had been a good child, after just signing the lease everything should be over!
Confirm cannot understand!
Today is one of these rainy days
I LOVE rainy days!
So, today is rainy and windy!
Generally wind is good too, but sometimes the combination of rain and wind is very annoying, especially if you cary things around which flap around all the time.
As for my hair, I wear it tied up lately, so I don't care. Also the wind + rain can't ruin my fringe so actually it's just the cold which sucks (IF I don't carry a flapping bag with me!)
Srsly, how can people like sunshine?
It's hot. Just hot.
The heat alone is enough to hate already, but it's boring too! I mean what's nice about heat?
My absolute meaningful drivel about whatever ends HERE.
I hope to be more creative next time
Chu, Ailing
P/s: I honestly think that my blog is boring~