U-Kiss' songs were made for my life! Hahas. But you know, the fact that Dongho is only 16 and kinda
speaks only is causing me to not take them so serious (I mean oppa?!)... And, come on, one of them is called

This is on a sidenote only!
And, yes, I
changed my
outfit layout!

I want(ed) to do a completely new one, but got so fucked up with shitass blogger, that I just edited this one and gave up the other one.
Fucking retarded to figure everything out and once I understand it, it won't work somemore
I want to add
javascript snow effect, confirm doesn't work la!

I'm not a person who gets all angry, because of some technical problem~
The only thing which makes me really angry is stupid people!
I have a serious
The problem is,
should I allow myself to get carried away by my drives or should I retain my sophisticated image among the readers I have?
(sophisticated, when.. where?)
I am talking about
toying around with smelly life !!!
Playing with people is so fun!
And it's the same thing I do with
smelly life.

ワー! Whatever that chick does, it just makes me feel pleased with myself

Like - the gal wasting so much energy to get revenge or whatever, when it's all just some foolish game by me!
I mean, I have nothing to do then visit her blog, while she totally follows mine
Well, to you maybe it's at least entertaining Hahas

Whatever, the next step in whatever relationship we have is quite a funny one! (if everything is working accordingly to the plan LoL)
I'm really looking forward to her reaction!
Let's stay tuned!

I can only tell you one part of
my plan! ... nth will happen for a while
(o_ _)ノ彡☆バンバン ギャハハハ
Ok, I'm being really embarassing! So what, I'm still young! Can confirm do such things!
Today (
-10000000000000000000000000 gazillion degree CELSIUS! = air was
frozen) the door rang and I thought it would be the
postman, bringing me my beloved shipped-from-california-on-saturday-before-the-last
I snatched some pair of trousers and rushed down the stairs while pulling them on! I flung open the door and still while it flew open I thought

Instead of a friendly postman, I saw two old grannies, which means
Jehovah's Witnesses. Starting to babble at once la!
I just stood there, not believing, how I could open the door without checking who rang, and started to wonder, how the woman dared to tell me some absolute trivial-to-the-core stuff about 6000 years ago while I obviously had to stand there in the shitass cold!

OMO! Fucking bold as brass! (゜ロ゜)ギョェ
The moment I saw them for the first time, I began to think, it's a personal insult whenever they show up at our house!
And, I know, that I have a special
English accent somewhere when speaking, but I didn't think it would be
Asian !!!

Today I introduced
Singlish to my course and after that, a girl told me that she thought my
Asian accent is cute!
I thought my accent would be kinda sth like American English, with a bit British, and Singlish and sth completely non-existing

But then, maybe I heard to many Asians talk English and now I am lidat!
HiaZz, it's embarassing for a westernized person to speak with un-western accent!

Well~ Can't be helped!
Oh, nearly forgot!
I added new
Christmas songs to my player!

Check them out! The really awesome ones are of course from TVXQ!
(Don't ask me why Li Xing Yu by F4 is a christmas song in my eyes!)
Chu, Ailing
P/s: K, the lyrics of 빙글빙글 don't really fit to me, but the title itself!
P/p/s: And yeah, maybe mixing Korean and Japanese in the title doesn't prove much stylistic assurance... but that's only an exception.
Oh and sorry, for misusing Otsuka-san's lyrics! (^∧^) スマンノウ~