let me tell you one thing: i'm pretty fucked up and there are so many reasons...... 1. life sucks, dun ask me y. it's d truth... all things i wanna do is wrong, in vain...... nth is how it was, how it supposed to be. everything is wrong. all is false ..... so many mistakes................................... 2. i'm so stupid lor xD... i smashed my mp3 d day before.... well i haven't exactly smashed it....but it's broken now...i deleted d access folder to play d songs.....now it only NO DATA!!!'s me o fuck YOU loolzzzz 3. i have to do a phone call now.... lmfao yah! that sucks lolx no explanation..... but it's even worse cuz actually i have to do 2 phone calls xD but i think i can deal that ...... mabye >.<" 4. and i have to make a passport photo... i hate photos of me .....it won't look good =.='' cuz since i'm 16 i haven't got my ID so tomorrow i have to take a photo to apply for it ..... Jeez.... life is hell ..................................................................... sometimes it's just unhappy unhappy i hate it.... yah i do.... i hate this life... i see no light.... no hope....... if it would just be over.... only for a while.... i would leave it all behind, i would forget i would just fly .... and smile about all the efforts made by man.... and when i have felt the wind blowing through my hair... drying my eyes... then i would love to come back one day... back to the people i love... to the people who broke me... and maybe i would have gained enough power to live my life till the end ... i would see trough it all only for just a moment..... forget --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- awwww that was it...................... man >.<"""" |
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