Everytime I think of it I feel depressive, frustrated and suicidal. It makes me sick, when I think of how I sat there, not knowing what to do, when actually I can do it.
I hate it when I ruin a test, although I normally can solve the probelms/ questions.
I give up, I will never improve myself in maths...
Now, let's see what I wrote yesterday, when my life was still ok and when I was full of motivation for this maths test...
I hate it becuase, somehow I just don't want to blog much. I always think 'Oh no, this month already x posts'
On the other hand I love to write, so I'll just blog and blog and blog and blog and blog and blog and
It was shit. Dunno the style of the test {= layout, questions and divisons of the exercises} makes me feel uneasy when thinking about it, so I do not really have a good feeling.
Our teacher said that we have to solve the grammer and vocab part in less than 10 minutes.
It was a texts with gaps, we had to tick the correct verbs, which fit in the gaps or fill in the correct words.
Not to hard, but I couldn't correct or check what I wrote.
Went straight to the 'text production' part. We had a speech of Barack Obama {1 site} and had to answer to questions on the text {1. Why does Obama talk about his family and biography + 2. What role did race play during the campagin. What does Obama think about this. Give evidence from the text}. First questions was fine I think, 2nd not really. Dunno.
Ok. I haven't really learnt for this test. Yesterday before I went to the driving lessons, I took my book + exercise book down with me and decided to learn for about 20 min until I had to go. But I got distracted {wurde abgelenkt} by my bro {or better I let myself get distracted}. So I learnt for barely 10 min {with some pauses}. I wanted to learn after dinner then, which would be around 10pm. At the end I learnt for maybe 20 min from 10.20pm to 10.40pm. {this time with many loong pauses, and some other diversions of my bro}. But actually it was the other way round, I watched videos my brother showed my on youtube, with tiny pauses to learn and I got distracted from the vids by my english book. So actually I learnt for maximum 15 minutes net {maximal 15 minutes netto}
I'm not bad in English but I should have learnt more. The nxt day {means today} I learnt during the ride to school {barely 30 min. ride, this time distraction from friends and the rumble of the tram}.
Anyway, the test is over. I think I wouldn't have done worse if I hadn't learn anything.
Tomorrow we gonna write an 'unprepared text' {Stegreifaufgabe} in maths. Its' sure that we will write on, but actually it's unprepared. I hope I can get myself to learn today
It has been so hot these days, jux annormal. I'm sitting wearing nothing but underwear + leggings and it's still hot. My room is under the roof / a loft whatever, that makes it even worse
So I think I spammed enough for today. At the moment I'm also working on a 'report' {Erfahrungsbericht} about 'Dyeing black hair blond', if you have any questions concerning this, ask me.
So byebye peeps, enjoy the weather if you can !^^
p.s.: I should really think about a place were I can put my money zo and write a list with my 'credit balances' {Guthaben} and 'expenses ' {Aushaben}. I founded 40€ some time ago, and I didn't even know I had them/ had lost them.