N if u think, that I sound quite set up {or angepisst} or dissatisfied with it, although it looks gorgeous, u r right!
I not only sound so, it's exaclty my mood. Although I like the layout {it's super professionell and everything
But since I changed it the 2nd time in this month and since I'm changing my layouts monthly.. or even weekly... I'm sick of it
Well, I'm sick of many things...
Went shopping yesterday
My ID was so ugly
1 cute *dunno-how-to-call-it*. It look like a little Bambi
1 coat
The coat is brown look like a trench coat, is made out of corduroy {kord} and has some shiny big gold buttons ! It also got a fur, which you can take on and off.
When I first saw it, it immediately reminded me of One Piece !
You're so lame, you know?
This is One Piece, remember?
So. This coat has somehow a bit *OnePiece-Style*. Love it
Eww, but when I bought it, I noticed one button was missing, it was in the sidepocket of the cloak. When I was paying I asked the shop assistent, if she had strings {Fäden} wit the same coloras the one's from the coat, so I can sew it on, wit the right color.
She looked at me and said: Unfortunately not. But normally you got things like this at home {of course I have, I want that stupid color, man!}, but we don't sew here.
Or are you staying at hotel?
What? Did she mean a hotel or a hotel?
Hotel 1 | Hotel 2 |
guess, you know what I mean wit this different hotels...
Wtf was this women thinking? Only because I asked for a string? Is she crazy or what?Do I look kinda bitchy or what? Or is it because I dyed my hair and now it has some cheap-thai-blond orange- color in it? {Yah, I dyed my hair
Can't believe it. Wtf was she thinking?!...
I went to the cinema yesterday
And when we were on our way to the cinema, sitting in the tram{straßenbahn}. Two idiotic russian playas came into the tram, listening to some hiphop shit wit their mobiles turned on to maximal volume, so everybody could listen along, while adoring the two for their ingenious music taste!!!! Normally I dun mind retarded hiphop bitches listening to 50Cent or some shit like this. But this two Russians went to far. They listened to some german crap, and it went like this:
"blablabla..... Ich hab voll viele Alkohol getrunken {champagner oder was das war} und dann haben die schlampen mir ihre feuchten fotzen entgegengestreckt {sowas halt} yeah und dann fick ich meine lieblingshure und trink noch meeeehr blablablabla' {schreiende frau als refrain} -------------------------------------------------- "blahblah...... I drank so much alcohol {think it was champaign} and then the sl*ts hold their wet cun*s towards me {sth like this} yeah and then I gonna f*ck my favo wh*re und even drink mooooore blahbla" {chorus/refrain: screaming woman} |
of course everything rhymed and that two idiots were rapping along with their goddamn Russian accent {somehow I hate the Russian accent}. These lyrics just show retarded male-fanatasies. The song is so stupid, it's incredible. The nxt song started wit the sound of a squeaking bedstead {quietschend bettgestell}... went on some time like this. Aww.... the two should get beaten up for doing such shit. They can listen to such music when they are lieing in their beds, feeling lonesome or horny..... Goddamn !
Enough of this !
Today's fridae. Next week school starts again. I hate school ! We still got to write some tests
Ah! I watched Germany's Nxt Topmodel yesterday {1st time watching it}. I gotta say that, that Jenny bitch is pwetty {i dun like her attitude and everything}, Wanda is veeeery pwetty, Caroline is quite ok too. And now the two must fucking ulgy ones: Janina and + Christina
Damn Janina's fringe {pony} is sooo damn FUGLY. How for fucksake can someone has such a shitty fringe? If I would have such a fringe I would always, really always clip it back. Always.
And the whole hairstyle of Christine is fürn arsch. As if she went to the cheapest hairdresser and he gave her the cheapest version of layered hairstyle + fringe {stufenschnitt + pony} ever!

But on professionell pics they all look very pwetty {usually}....
Also they often get wigs {perücken}...
ich hab deinen blog ganz durch zufall gefunden und weiß leider nich mehr wo er ist
könntest du mir den link noch ma geben, wenn du das liest?
-> That was 'Lots to tell' {I think} xD
and: Saturday is 'Eurovision Song Contest Day' be sure to wach, ya? xD
Pss: i've read the whole post again after publishing it... AND i've noticed that I used maaany swearwords...
if you think there are too many pls tell me and nxt time i will either dun use that many anymore or i will censore them all, oke?
Which one do you like more? {right one supposed to look like a button}
lol.. Hotel or hotel? x'D
ReplyDeletewtf.. so damn stupid (like most of the assistents in shops--> too stupid to get an other job)
You should ask if you get the coat for an better price u know?^^
huhu [:
ReplyDeletedanke für deinen kommi, es hat sich sozusagen "geklärt" aber ich hab trotzdem bedenken nya einfach mal abwarten ~.~
was wie kann man sushi nur nich mööögen? O_o
ja ich hatte eins, ich hab mir mit 14 stechen lasse, und ich kann mich im mom nur noch erinnern das die spritze eine schmerhafte angelegenheit war :/ aber damals hab ich ja auch alles dafür gegebn um es zu bekommen :7 aber bei uns haben das imma 8 von 10 leuten und dann find ich sowas doof
und man muss halt imma sehr aufpassen das man nich dick wird weil sonst siehst iwie hässlich aus
und macht dich noch dicker :D
PS: find das erste bild schöner :)
Oh ahaha.
ReplyDeleteThe rap is disgusting.
They should listen to it privately.
Oh my gosh.
Ooh, I like the left picture better.
PS: I'm not tall. 157 cm. :(
Hey hooo^^
ReplyDeletehaha ich find deine einträge geil xDDD Das mit dem Faden und dem Trenchcoat.. wie hirnrissig!
was germanys next topmodel betrifft seh ich das genau umgekehrt, ich mag janina und christina voll obwohl ich wanda am hübschsesten finde haha xD
Wuah ich bin voll erschrocken als da mein name stand Oo
Also meine addy ist www.chueisha.net.tc, mein nickname hier sollte glaub ich auch verlinkt sein haha xD
Ich find die pixels auch vll süß btw =D muss mir auch mal smileys für die news anschaffen, aber seit kawaiiness.com nicht mehr geht ist es schwer schöne zu finden..
na guuut, bis bald^^