This pic was taken by me, from the window of my bathroom, edited by me and is for Shun *^-^*
Fly to the sky is a korean Duo.
I mean VIETNAMESE stylas.
Didn't even know what german stylas are... I can only imagine Vietnamese and Turkish to be damn Stylas.
But I guess everyone has a different opinion on what Stylas are.
Cuz today a frn told me I'm such a Styla. Ewwww...
And that little chick walk nxt to me, who get boobs and miniskirt(minirock) and everything looked bitchy, lor.
Loolzz, Whuat?
Eww..ppl recognize my own indivual style, leh xD My personal way of cool dressing, mixed wit fashionable accessoiries...... hahaaaaaaa
Said, thinks my style so special, lor xD
Cool innit? !^^
So... and now spring has really come. Or should I call it summer, cuz actually it's really hot. And ppl are dressing like it was summer, miniskirts, hotpants and that stuff.
Only me not. Long trouser, or overknee socks + cardigan or how to call it. Cuz I dun want to be BROWN. Wanna be white as my new ceiling (Zimmerdecke). White like all the cute Ulzzangs! I know how to get brown, but how do you get white? Walking with gloves and protective masks like Vietnameses? Not going out anymore? Staying at home a year? LooLzz..... How?
Eww... and I want such a clean skin as fucking Ulzzangs. xD. ....
I know they are all photoshopped and edited 100%. But still, I WANT IT.
I'm waiting so much for Vietnam now. Jeez, want to be there and doing nth, but having fun. And seightseeing. And.. And... And.....
Ax....... But still 130 days !!!!!!!!!!
Gosh... that's 4,33333333 months.... (huh, why so little?) Hmm.... 4 months... 2 weeks holidaes....+ nealy 2 weeks holidaes..... That makes 3 months school... Which makes 12 weeks of school..... = 84 daes.... - 12 weekends = 72 daes... - a few holidaes? Let's take 70 daes.... that would be 2 months and 10 daes?
WTF? Weren't it 4 months in the beginning.... WTF DID I DO????!!!!!
Ewww.... I hope it makes some sense..... Cuz now I dun understand it anymore....
But 2 months and 10 daes school....70 daes....10 weeks (wtf= 10 weeks r not 2 months and 10 daes!!!!! made a stupid mistake somewhere!).
Gonna survive this!
Yosshhhhh!!! It's holidaes soon anyway !^^ Wonder, what I'm goin to do on holidaes........ Why my frnz go to some stupid city, but dun ask me to join, lor?
Ok.. Maybe because I told them, I hate prides and stylas and shit, and there gonna be only that guys. So sick of em, really.
But I gonna have fun in this holidaes. Fun without getting brown !!!
Really now.
So.... gotta go to violin lesson now.... dun want toooooo, lor. =.=
Life is so unpleasant xD *goes.crying* j/k
Well, shit on me xD
Aini says Pu Puh !^^
Eh! Watch this if you ONCE IN A LIFETIME listen to me and want to enjoy REAL good music. You won't regret clicking HERE! .
Why noone listen to the songs, I consider good?
nae noon eul bwah yo
OH geu dae mahn eul mee duh bohl lae yo
mae eel hohn jah suh ool gee mahn hah neh yo
nuh moo nah goh mah oon guhl yo
OOH BABY BABY nahl ahn ah jwuh yo
ee dae roh yung wuhn hee hahm kkeh hae yo
jee cheen geu dae nae geh gee dae doh dweh yo
uhn jeh nah geu dael sarang hahl lae yo~
OH geu dae mahn eul mee duh bohl lae yo
mae eel hohn jah suh ool gee mahn hah neh yo
nuh moo nah goh mah oon guhl yo
OOH BABY BABY nahl ahn ah jwuh yo
ee dae roh yung wuhn hee hahm kkeh hae yo
jee cheen geu dae nae geh gee dae doh dweh yo
uhn jeh nah geu dael sarang hahl lae yo~
If this vid is shown, it's showing Nakatsu (Hana Kimi) getting himself to sneeze xD
Damn Kawaii, innit?
Link is here.
If you comment, tell me how you like the sky pic I made yah? Clickable!
ReplyDeletedas pic mit dem himmel is soooo schön, hast ja net tolle aussicht aus deinem badezimmer fenster ^^
wie hast du das bloß gemacht?
und deine rechnung ist ein bisschen verwirrend XD
das video mit dem typ der niest ist echt voll kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiii
das andere lied geht scho... XD
also dann, bis die tage ^^
fly to the sky.........
ReplyDeletevuuull schööööön ^^
is das jedesmal der gleiche himmel, ist doch immer diese eine wolke drinne, udda?
wie linh scho sagt, deine rechnung ist ..... unverständlich XD
des lied (das koreanische da) ist vull cool............ aber eigentlich ist r&b nicht so mein ding XD
Funny...My cousin in vietnam always aks my mum by phone if there's a lotion or something like that in germany which keeps your skin white. I really thought only people in asian [and not asians in european] think that way. But what ever.^^
ReplyDeleteThe photo is really pretty. I like it very much. I'm still aksing myself why I don't get along with my photoshop like you. x___x
And to the song:
I think that was all =3
Wish you a nice day
Hey bin aus zufall auf deinen blog gestoßen...
ReplyDeletedas mit den handschuhen is garkeine schlechte idee...
pack dich ein in mütze schal und winteranzug xD
Darauf aufs braun werden O.O du hast es gut. Warum willst du unbedingt weiß bleiben/werden? Wenn ich's richtig gelesen hab ^.^
Mh ich selber bin ziemlich heller hauttyp ja ich will mal sagen ich bin weiß -.-' Aber ich würde sooo gerne braun werden...
Was gefällt dir an dem weiß so?
Ich kann das garnicht verstehen mich gucken die leute immer irgendwie so doof an.. bins ja gewöhnt und mir macht es nix aus aber ich würde trotzdem nicht gerne weiße haut haben wenn ich doch auch schön braun werden könnte.