the vid is a MV of nhu quynh and some guy singing NHAC TRE?. Nhu quynh is REALLY great in this!!! didN't thought she would have such a great voice, really !
I got so much to tell and actually many shopping- pics to share with you, but I was so lazy to photograph and then to edit all the loads. and each day i got more stuff.
I haven't taken a pic of everything i got, it would be too troublesome, only of a few things i like.
Ewww... and seems like that fact that i'M blogging on english now started a
ENGLISH WAVEEEE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sugoii..... loolzz
So here are the pics....(clickable most)
Ok. Its Minnie. I know.
Bought it myself. H&M for Kids.
Also available in grey/blue colors.
Many MM stuff at H&M's at the time (well i counted 3 i think, xD) Also in other departments.
Aww... don't mind the spupid background, lor xD
Explanation: I didn't want to walk all the way down to our hallway (Flur), cuz there is the ONLY whole-body (Ganzkörper-) mirror in our house. DAMN.
So I fetched a stool (Hocker) and took the pics in fron of the mirror in my bathroom.Yah, I know it's look damn messy. Had to clear out my walk-in cupboard (begehbarer Kleiderschrank), which wasn't walk-in-able (begehbar) anymore xD.
And now I'm too lazy to put to stuff back again.
i loooooove the pic buttons on the front... so kawaii !!!
and the sleeeves
i loooooooooooove sleeves like that nowadays xD
so puffy, kawaiii lor !^^
the trouser is also new, finally aini-baby-chin bought a fukken röhrenjeans (i looked the english word up its: drainpipe trousers. WTF?! *not.gonna.write.that*)
always thought my thighs (oberschenkel) would be too fat. But then i was enlightened (erleuchtet). When i try röhrenjeans in a narrow changing cubicle (umkleidekabine), and then i look in the mirror, i see my mega-fat thighs from the top in the mirror. i got a shock: U R TOO FAT LOR !!! but when i went wit my mum, she told me to got out, and i saw me in a mirror which was 3m away.... GOSH, i look so thin xD
and so... i got my on brandnew röhrenjeans !^^
and a black röhrenjeans...... ppl say u look thinner in black röhrenjeans, right?
i think it's true (though... i look quite fat in these pics)
i know you can't really see something, because the background is bad, but... who cares xD
i dunno if it was THAT cheap, but actually it dyes on my legs.... yes, they are black after i wear them xD
the lable is called 'Ichi' and i dun care if it's a cheap one, because: Ichi - Ichigoo - Aini looooves Ichigo xD (stupid teenage, dreaming girl, lor.... !!!)
and this blue-white-striped blouse.
love it....... and once again these kawaii, puffy sleeves !^^
i know you can't really see something... but that's enough !^^
(in some pics, my legs really look thin wa? xD
i realized sth.... which i gonna blog some other time..... xD)
(hint: if you want ur legs to look thinner, take the pics in front of a mirror, and use Blitz.. think that's why my legs look thinner then they are....)
i kept it.
and now i'm fed up.... chatting. editing pics.. chatting....... so tireing xD
and somehow... my stomach rumors............. !^^ (is that english...? dunno)
it think i have bored you peeps long enough !^^
here's the last thing.. i bought weeks ago.
a heart-purse from Tally Weijl !^^ was also available in black, wit silver chain, but i hate silver !^^ and red is much prettier. i loooove the strap to carry it !^^
wonderful 'invenion' !^^
That was it..... my uncle came this last weekend wit his two little, cute children, i made damn kawaii pics of em.... but too lazy too edit them and everything, will post another day !^^
and i made many pics of me + 2 yoghurts xD
love it to make art-pictures xD
will upload someday !^^
so have fun, everybody~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(be sure to listen to the song of nhu quynh, pls.. and tell me how u like it, specially the ppl who already know her!!!!)
whuaaaaaaa........................ thinking abt my
ENGLISH WAVEEEE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ps: i gonna be really sad, if noone cmts abt the nhu quynh vid....
pss: ok.. i got it... the fukken vid won't be displayed... if you still wanna do me the favor of watching it -> click HERE !!!
wanna see my fugly face?

the background looks cool somehow !^^
ReplyDeletedu bist alles andere als fett!! Ich wär sooo froh wenn ich solche coolen dünnen Beine hätte wie du!!!
lG Theresa
ahhh udn megast süßes Portmonee!!<3
i love ur legs...
ReplyDeleteyeah english wave ^^
im a little bit inspired by you and the blog of some other favs of mine ^^
love this shirt <3
and lvoe the last pic ^^
i really dont know why you think that youre fat .__.
i think your really thin ._.
your legs i love them
if u dont give them to me ^^
you just have to know HOW to underline that ;)
your legs are really thin love them really :)
(try skinny jeans theyre love)
ReplyDeleteich maaaag das mickey mouse shirt voll
und das grüne da mit den großen knöpfen
und deine pics mit der bluse
von wegen dicke beine, aber echt jetzt!
der geldbeuter ist auch süß und das letze pic XD
hdl ^^
und das vid von nq wird doch angezeigt... ist aber wirklich anders als das wasse sonst immer singt. kp ob's mir gefällt.
der geldbeute is voooooll kawaiii UND das pic von dir ^^
das mm shirt übrigens auch ^^
Ich mag die Fotos und wie sie hier eingefügt wurden voll.^^
ReplyDeleteMal eine Frage... dir passen Sachen von H&M aus der Kinderabteilung? x____X Urgh mir nicht ._______. wie mies