all tests are written. soon is *Notenschluss*. And nobody seems to see any reason for learning.
Holidaes are within reach.
I*m happy over it. No test, no urgency to learn. Life is relaxed.
On the other side, I wasted another yr of my life until now, without getting the grades I wanted. Better, without getting the grades I wanted - everytime.
And I think the same will happen nxt yr and so on.
But well shouldn*t think so much about this, should think about other things, shouldn*t I?
Grades, grades, grades. In working life we call it money, in school life we call it grades. And I have too little money to survive !^^
One other thing to think about is for example, what to buy my too cousins {both female} as a present? One is as old as I am and the other one is 20+
It gotta be sth special, expensive looking thing {from EUROPE, leh!}. My mother bought all sorts of cream and other cosmetic things.
And now I don*t think what to buy *em. It won*t be any clothes or soo... That*s stupid.
But what to buy then, lah?
No cosmetic stuff, either~~~~~~~ I dunno.... What do girls lyke, eh? Bags? Should I buy a vietnamese UNSTYLISH girl a glam-bag? I dunno if they even know how to go shopping?! If they are no bitches of course... My cousin aren*t.
So, what then? It can*t be some idiotic decorative nicknack, cuz #1 I dunno if they have an own room, #2 Vietnamese have no culture in the area of decorating their homes.
I*m really baffled {ratlos}. What about a pair of cool shoes? {I know that belongs to clothes...} I think that*s not bad... for the younger one at least. And for the older one? Maybe even a bag?
Huh, what am I doing? I suggest things, which I*ve just proven to be not suitable...
Subject change again. I somehow develop a dislike against FashionFreaks {NOT against mai-linh}. But against ppl saying 'OMG I want to have the bag xxx from yyy. It*s so zzz'
OF COURSE I understand that u lyke sth from a special brand cuz it*s this or that. But, serious get a life! What are these ppl doing? Did they dive so deeply into this Fashion world, that they can*t do anything, but searching for new stuff from this or that, in order to lyke it? Fashion is made by oneself and is not set by others.
'I want this xxx from yyy sooo much. I looove it.' The nxt day they want another thing. It*s ill. And then they bandy with some specialists terms - lyke... wedges, or ... clutch or tod or whaever. OF COURSE it*s the correct term for this things, but it really sounds ridiculous if one uses them all the time. Do they want to sound like a real specialist or what? Such things make me whatever angry.
And then they start to lyke things, which aren*t even VERY beautiful or conspicuous {auffällig}. What*s this? Do they - in their career as fashin specialists - develop an eye for hidden beauties that an outsider is not capable of seeing? Or do they rather start to lyke everything from some famous brand.
And what makes it worse: They don*t jux say 'I looooove this bag {bag as an example}.'
They say 'I*m so in loooove with the Popincourt Haute from Louis Vuitton' or ' I want to have a Balenciaga like this Model x y has!' Why that stupid names? And too: I think it*s aso very retarded from the designers to make up stupid names. Although I understand that it is maybe necessary to give your bags name, so u can call them {and while doing this you feel absolutely great, because you -as a specialist - know it and because it makes you dream of a luxory life, cause this bags tend to have some fascinating names, which knoone knows what they mean/ where they come from...}
Talking about bags... At the time I looooove a pink bag from Miu Miu. It is soo kawaii~~
But i dunno it*s name and anything and I won*t mention it again, and it*s not in my 'Needs* list.
Why? I dun dream of things, I won*t get anyway.
So this is aso the end of my rant.
Btw.: I hate Agyness Deyn. Why? Some other time.
<- is me if you wanted to ask.... So...I*m lucking forward to Vietnam I rly feel happy if I think that I dun need to learn anymore. But on the other side... =.=""
hey :D
ReplyDeleteoh big mistake *hit me*
lol yeah its been one year ^^
ans sry for not comment your blog!!!!
my other computer dont show mne your lay bzw wenn ich auf meinem pc zu deiner website gehe dann stürzt mein pc ab und ich kann auch den captcha net eingeben da ich keine bilder sehe!!!!!
ich weiß net ob es an deiem neuen lay liegt ._.
bin momentan auf dem pc von meiner sis xD
just get them a bag or a pair of shoes that's what girls like !
greetz linhiie
ReplyDeletedie seite ist vull schön
gefällt mir vull <3
*drools to death* diese ganzen typen, auch wenn man nicht ihr gesicht sieht, ich liebe solche haarschnitte ebenfalls *__*
ReplyDeletehmm.. die mädchen sind aber auch cute xD in so eine schule würd ich auch gern X3 tja, manchmal ist es doch schön, im ausland zu leben |D
aber ich kenne so welche asiaten... sind ziemlich zurückhaltend oO das ist doof, weil sie witzig sein sollen hehe
und eine freundin von mir sucht gerade auch nach einem produkt, das billig zu kaufen ist, aber teuer aussieht =D [letzteres eben schwerpunkt] schwierig, schwierig 8D
ReplyDeleteTheir hairstyles are to die for.
I'll love to go to school with them.
OMG, going crazy now.