And I*m jux blogging this, because I*d be too lazy to blog this some other time.
Well but I guess it*s always stressful at the end of a school year.
#1 Stress factor:
The SummerConcert{s}, for piano and guitar.
It*s pure stress to come to the practices runs{?/Proben}. Yesterday, I had school until 1.45 pm and had to be at the music school by 2pm. I was late, my bro couldn*t come at all, because he had a practice run wit the BigBand he*s playing in. So I had my piano lesson and went home at 2.45pm
At 3 p.m. both, my bro and me had to be at the music school again, to rehearse our concert piece {?} wit all the other piano players. Home again at abt 4.40pm.
And at 6.30pm we had to head to other guitar lesson, which also was the last lesson before the guitar summer concert.
I will be playing Beethoven*s *Moonlight Sonate*
What a wonderful summer piece !^^
#2 Stress factor:
My school*s summer celebration.
This yrs celebration will have a a motto: *We are international* So every class has to pick a topic concerning this theme and do sth with it. My class decided to inform our visitors abt a patres/father, who helps ppl in south-africa right now and who was a former student of our school. We also want to collect donations to support his work.
Me and my friend were entrusted wit the burden to do the *information-work*. We interviewed the patres and are going to make some posters abt Zimbabew, South Africa and himself tomorrow.
#3 Stress factor:
My brothers BigBand concert
which is tomorrow evening. It is also stressful for me, cuz he is too stupid to go to his practice runs and it*s me who has to remind him all the time. And he always practices at the late night time, around 10-11pm =.=
#4 Stress factor:
Many events I want to go to
My frn*s play/theatrical performance {Theateraufführung}. She plays in *The Wave*. I dunno if you know the movie, it was in the cinemas a few weeks ago and is after the book *The Wave*.
The Wave is the book after a true story which happened in the U.S., where a teacher wants so show his students how all Germans became Nazis. He started a project, which was callled *The Wave*. The project escalated, the teacher became power-crazed, his students started to beat others, who didn*t want to become a memer of *The Wave*
2nd: I aso want to go to the performance of our school*s dancers. I danced there too 2 yrs ago, but had to quit because I didn*t have enough time anymore and now I rly envy them, cuz dancing for such a large audience is always a great event. And the performances are rly,rly good. Everybody loves them, esspecially the ones from our dance theatre.
#5,6,7 Stress factor:
Driving lessons =.= The nxt one is in 44 min.
School*s Sports day... is only nxt I dunno what day, but I hate sports and all my frns gonna be *ill*, so it rly gives me a hard to think of a plausible excuse why I can*t come, too.
Visitors this weekend... I hate visitors, esspecially those wit kids at the age from 8-15 yrs =.=
So, I got 7 reasons to be totally stressed out {xD, is there such a expression?}
And when this whole crap is over, I*m rly ready to receive my report =.=
Blah, but at least I then have holidaes~~~~~~~~~~~~
But I only wait for the beginning of my driving lesson~~~~~~~
LaaLaaLaaBlah. Ok, I*m going now...
P.S.: I always discover awful spelling mistakes after I publish my posts. I you read this post before I reread it and find some, pls dun laugh at me =.= Making them is enough of a punish...
ReplyDeleteDAS ist stress puuuuuuuuuur !!!
huii soviel musikalischer stress :D
ReplyDeletedas wäre mein persönliches ende .__.
aww fahren!!! wieviele stunden hattest du schon?
ich finde es macht total spaß XD
liebe grüße