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Gosh, When Did I Update The Last Time Ah???
Two Weeks Ago!!!
Just had the urgent feeling of making a pointless post!
So how's life, Aini?
Chu, Aini
P/s: Hey, today I painted my nails {Revlon Passionate Wine} and I realized that I absolutely suck in painting nails.
Why is that so difficult, lah?
Why is that so difficult, lah?
Update: Hohó! I'm fobbin y'all off wit cheap nonsense-posts. And I'm havin fun doin that !
A short add to the nail-paintin-problem: Do you know the situation when you have just painted your nail and then there is like Situation #1:
you notice a tiny tiny mistake, which nevertheless extremely sucks?
or Situation #2: you don't want to just sit there and wait for your nails to dry, but you think you can just do things more careful than usually while your nails are drying, then after some time of doing careful things, you notice that you ruined your nails?
And in both situations you end up painting a new layer of nail polish on your nails, only in order to ruin them even more?
And then in the end you remove all the polish to do everything again, just to obtain another unsatisfactory result???
That happends to me every time !
A short add to the nail-paintin-problem: Do you know the situation when you have just painted your nail and then there is like Situation #1:
you notice a tiny tiny mistake, which nevertheless extremely sucks?
or Situation #2: you don't want to just sit there and wait for your nails to dry, but you think you can just do things more careful than usually while your nails are drying, then after some time of doing careful things, you notice that you ruined your nails?
And in both situations you end up painting a new layer of nail polish on your nails, only in order to ruin them even more?
And then in the end you remove all the polish to do everything again, just to obtain another unsatisfactory result???
That happends to me every time !
Well I know both situations. :D
ReplyDeleteBut now it isn't such a huge problem anymore. :D You learn to sit and act dead when you paint your nails often. (Okay I'm chatting while the polish dries, but whatever)
ja ich kenne dieses gefühl mit den nägeln. das ätzt. ich mache die mir heute wieder. es wird wieder macken geben, die man aber erst beim näheren ansehen betrachtet, deswegen zeige ich meine hände nicht so gerne anderen leuten, die sie sich aus irgendwelchen gründen auch immer genauer ansehen wollen =_=
ReplyDeletedie nägel an der linken hand zu bepinseln geht ja noch ganz easy als rechtshänderin. aber dann... @#!?%$
ahahah was mach ich denn nur falsch? %D also, ich hatte nichts anderes, die japansichen softdrinks waren etwas ungewöhnlich für mich und zu anstrengend zu trinken, also hab ich den rest davon nach korea geschickt. LOL
ja snsd holt sich gerne ein paar anregungen von den wonder girls XD;
joo unter anderem paris by night. magst du doch, oder? *svzprofil anschiel* 8D
Wer im Glashaus sitz, sollte nicht mit steinen werfen, huh?!
ReplyDeleteZu deinem letzteren Entry, also ich sehe ich zzt auch sehr selten woanders kommentieren; oder nur bei june & uyen, vllt musste noch ein paar leute anschreiben, und vorallem regelmäßig back schreiben..
oder evtl ne linkliste?
lg :3
die animation ist total süß!