Even my holidays started !!!
And I'm neither happy nor not !!!
In fact it could be that I didn't realize it yet~
sorry for neglecting this blog, but my life just happends to be boring from time to time and I happen to be bored too and therefore used my free time to travel to lazytown !!!
Secondly, I'm working on two new layouts... No wait, 3 new layouts !!! (more or less)
And then again sry for not replying to anything the last days/ week ヾ(_ _*)ハンセイ・・・
So and actually this isn't a proper post too, because I'm only writing it to fake a recured bustle on this blog, so my readership won't drop!
Also I wanted to speak some great words to mark the beginning of the holidays !!!
Here they were (_ _|||)
And the importanst thing to tell you is:
The next 6 weeks will stay boring like this, since I won't travel to anywhere !!!
(_ _,)/~~白旗〜
GOOD LUCK TO YOU that I have an extra good PLAN B.
You remember that I were in Vietnam last year?
And I never posted the pics up ???
That's because the majority of the picchas are on a 2GB memory card and my oh-so-dump tranferring truc can't transfer things from a 2GB memory card !!!!
So'll buy another transferring thing and then do a totally long picture post about my holidays in Vietnam last year?
Isn't that a good idea?
(It is in case you're not sure.... for whatever reason that should be so)
RECAP of more important things:
Ok I started to learn Spanish this year and I just did it to be able to chime in in stupid conversations abt languages by screaming I speak 5 languages and I'm learning 3 more what!!!
But then I watched Dirty Dancing 2 (yes, it's bitter) and I happen to like Diego Luna
This is the best pic I could find of him, IF you should google him kindly overlook the pics in which he has a beard.
In the movie he looks 5 years too young for the girl, like 16 years old
And this was the story how I fell in love with the spanish speaking world and also with the non spanish speaking world as long as there's an spanish accent !!!
(o_ _)ノ彡☆バンバン ギャハハハ
So how'd u like it if my blog became a bit Spanish?
Por que no quiero olvidar todo~ (epik fail I guess)
Donc, je pense qu'il vaut mieux que j'essaye de blogger (?) en francais !!!
Comprendre? xD
Cloud's glasses were so cool on him, a pity that whateverhisnameis destroyed them !!!
Cloud is cute and Tifa sucks !!!
I'll be back when time demands it !!!
Chu, Ailynne-lynne
*Vietnam greetings*

Also she has taken down several sites of her homepage.
Yes, I'm stalking her and I will do it until I know why she closed down everything !!!
She makes me hyper aggressive, her ugly pics, her stupid words~~~~~~
Well her fugly designed homepage (not only ruined by the ugly header featuring herself) but also by the shitass designer (their homepage is omg), who is too stupid to make a all-time-aligned layout !!!
Sry for this little excess~
Also she has taken down several sites of her homepage.
Yes, I'm stalking her and I will do it until I know why she closed down everything !!!
She makes me hyper aggressive, her ugly pics, her stupid words~~~~~~
Well her fugly designed homepage (not only ruined by the ugly header featuring herself) but also by the shitass designer (their homepage is omg), who is too stupid to make a all-time-aligned layout !!!
Sry for this little excess~
ja, was? bist du gerade in vietnam? ^^ wenn ja, dann viel spaß noch und komm heil wieder =D danke, aber ich habe schon jemanden gefundne, der klavier spielen kann. und mittlerweile kann ich auch schon alles an noten lesen und spielen, muss nur noch üben, schneller zu sein. yaaaroo..
ReplyDeleteja, das musste sein. haha. tut mir leid dich enttäuschen zu müssen, aber die japanischen magazine (ranzuki, popteen) habe ich mir kostenlos ausgeliehen. hehe mein schwager ist halt einzigartig |D freu dich, diese mskimhoang ist endlich weg, gibts eine oberflächliche tusse weniger!
oh, spanisch. hätte ich damals wählen sollen, habs aber dann doch nicht getan, weil jeder meinte, es sei schwer blabla... na super, hätte ich nicht auf die weisen worte meiner mitschüler gehört. denn je mehr sprachen, desto besser! ich kann auch 5 sprachen sprechen, aber mehr können nicht schaden muahaha!
naja, du kannst machen was du willst, aebr wenn dein blog ein bisschen spanisch hat, versteh ich wohl kein wort. XD