
Thursday, 22 October 2009

Heaven's Postman - Aimless is Lonely

I must've done sth VERY BAD regarding internet connection in my last life!
Narut Shippuuden 13 is NOWHERE available but on MEGAVIDEO and IT seems to very hate me!

Like, goddamn why does it take so fucking long to load ONE SECOND !!!
Buffing for hous already !!!
So pisses me of!

Well, after the last heavy writing, this post shall be easy going and non-straining!
A few random thoughts of mine:
  • Why don't you just stop making tight clothes in sizes like XL/XXL/XXXl?
    We all know it, we saw wannabe biches walking around in trousers, which makes me wonder if they don't make their wearer have to piss very hard (doesn't matter if they'd have drunken nth for the past 38 days), just because they're so tight, they sure squeeze every drop of urine out of the bladder.
    Or recently I see a stylish abt 50 year old woman walking past me, wearing totally breath-taking bright stuffs AND boots, which couldn't even be zipped up, cause her cals were to fucking fat!
    WHO likes those sights? Noone!
    Everyone keeps complaining abt teenage chicks, wearing too tight stuffs, so that there belly looks like a life belt, but noone does anything against it!
    Hereby I plead for the abolition of making tight clothes in larg sizes!
    It's so easy.
    Why should fat ppl be allowed to disgrace our eyes, with their lack of sense, with their incapability to comprehend they just look like SHIT? They got no right to!
  • Why should shop assistants be all cheerful and in a good mood?
    Last week I went into a bakery during break in order to buy two doughnuts: total stress, ruined her on a bad hair day, wind and rain messed everything up
    In there was the son of the bakery family, in a totally UBER PERFECT MOOD, grinning at me when I just wanted to have my doughnuts, asking if I'd want some more and totally kept smiling at me as if he'd want me to want more so that he can keep spreading his happiness to me. Gosh, I got so insecure from that behaviour, started to think that he wanted to ask me out!
    Luckily I kept cool and managed to manoeuvre out of the proceeding of buying two doughnuts without any mistakes, although he made it a real challenge for me.

    What I want to say is, you shouldn't force your shop assistenses to look/ behave happy. They should just behave normal/ how they feel.
    Because, 1stly if customers who come in are already happy, then even a totally unhappy assistent couldn't do anything about it.
    2ndly if a depressed customer comes in, he won't be annoyed about a beaming idiot, trying to sell him things he doesn't want anyway. (And btw, No the happy mood of the assistent won't affect the customer in any affluent way, he'll most probably just flee from this brain-washing store; the shop assistent doesn't know why he's so down anyway)
    3rdly, it's just totally impertinent to force ppl to pretend they're happy!
  • My bangs is/are? back!!!
    Or better my mother once again ruined my hair!!!
    And I've bought curling tongs so I'm like curling my hair every 2nd day, so yeah~ if you like to see it that way - I'm ruining my hair, too.
    But, it grows again, so I don't see any problem. Ppl should stop telling others not to dye/ curl their hair, cuz it will be ruined.
    It's like nails, they also grow again. Can't see any problem.
  • Everybody's like What're you going to do on Halloween?
    The fuck I'm going to do, I don't know.
    What are you going to do? For my part, parties are always too troublesome to bother!
  • Ok, my friend (and I've decided not to use any real names for reallife contacts in my blog, so I'll call her) Angela (which reminds me of Angelababy, so it's quite fitting to her) became 18 !!!!
    Horrible! xD
    She told me that her mom came into her room on 0am, to congratulate her to her birthday and she just started to cry! And when I thought Oh, how cute that she was that touched! She told me that it wasn't because she was touched, but because she was so sad to be 18! Totally chio!
    But damn corright reaction! I don't want to be 18! It's the most terrible thing to happen in ones life! Ageing and then し !!!
    I read a nice article on that subject a while ago, and the woman in this article said, that life is a constant attempt to develop and improve!
    Which is true! I also want to work on me and to improve myself! First I have to learn to clean up my room! I will become better, nicer, prettier and even more kawaii!!!
  • Talking about my room!
    My bed is supposed to arrive at the end of this month!
    Well, I'm prepared! Will buy paint this holidays and going to paint the wall where my bed will stand in pink stripes! よし


  1. JAEJOONG! Stars in that movie! Heaven's postman or whatever!
    Argh! なぜ ?!
    I don't want him to kiss anyone!!!
  2. And also, there were two Japanese girls who could meet TVXQ backstage!

    OMG, I could die to meet them!
    And they're both so pretty! I bet they would never chose me to meet them, my face is not a very good PR object! LoL
    And also, I think I wouldn't be able to say anything if I'd stand in front of a goddamn goodlooking 186cm tall Changmin! w(☆o◎)wガーン
    Still, it's so mean! I really want to see them sometime!
  3. Junsu srsly opened a Pho restaurant in Seoul!
    WTPho? That guy is so cute!
    For him to do that is so.... fitting xD
    But I bet the pho won't be as yummy as my mom's xD
    Which is kinda as true as my mom's kimchi won't be as yummy as Junsu's mom's. (*^-^)
  4. Look at this:

    Junsu has a brother?
    Well, his name's Junho, and he looks rly rly good in this picture (I chose the best picture I could find). I doubt that it's his twin brother, for he is also taller. Anyway he will debut this year, idk if as an actor or as an singer~
  5. TVXQ members stated that they were lonely (this phrase is generalized).
    Though I can't honestly wish them to find a girlfriend, I wish that they wouldn't be so lonely. Poor guys.
    I hope they can support each other throughout everday, in order to make their lifes nicer. (What an idiotic sentence!)

Anyways that's it.
See you whenever!

Chu, Ailing
*TVXQ anti-lonely greetings*


  1. lol XDD u & kawaii? are u kidding?
    I think just with plastic surgery X'DD
    or with photoshopping!

  2. lalala fuck yaaa
    so boring lalala

  3. Weisst du was??? Ich kann solche typen wie dich nicht ausstehen!! Warum Typ? Meiner Meinung nach bist du ein Junge, dass Mädchenkleidung trägt!! Sogar MS Kim Hoangs anblick ist 100000 fach erträglicher als deines!! Als würdest du über jedem Menschen bescheid wissen, nur weil du deren Blogs liest! Lass sie doch einfach in discos gehen oder machen, was denen spaß macht! Wenn du solche Chicks hasst und dich andauernd beschwerst, dann werd politikerin und TU WAS DAGEGEN!!! Wenn nicht, dann erstick daran oder lass dich überfahren, was weiß ich! so ist die welt nunmal! Du kommst dir wohl ziemlich perfekt vor oder? Alles was du kannst ist kritisieren und meckern! Altah! Du kommst mir vor wie 'ne Oma! KP was mit dir ist! Aber ich denk, dein Leben muss ziemlich langweilig verlaufen, wenn du nur am bloggen bist! Oder du hast K.A. was du bloggen sollst und klickst dann i-welche blogs an um sie kritisieren zu können! Und nicht genug, stellst du ohne zu fragen auch noch fotos von denen rein! Darf ich auch mal paar bilder von dir reinstellen??? Und fuggly shit about you schreiben? Ich frag dich ernsthaft! Achja! Nur weil menschen auf partys gehen, heisst es nicht, dass sie gleich alle bitches sind -.-# so ein unsinn! Glaubst du man lässt dich mit winterstiefel und mantel auf Discos überhaupt rein???

  4. Hello, passing by! Was wondering, where are you from? Hahas!

  5. hey toller blog von dir :D
    ich habs zwar nicht ganz gelesen weil ich nicht mal die hälfte versteh xD

    was ich dich fragen wollte ist, wie du das machst damit so sterne aus der maus kommen und ob das auch mit schnee oder regen geht? ^^

  6. WTF mein erster kommi ist verschwunden ö.ö
