I honestly don't understand at all how ppl can blog daily.
How can your life be so interesting?
Even if you were a celeb, god or the death, there can't be exciting events happening one after the other.
How come those ppl have so much to tell or find so much to tell.
It's awesome. Really.
[This picture has been taken several years ago at Rothenburg, the Christmas city !^^]
And since I WANT to blog, but have nothing to blog about, I shall write abt everything
#1 Going to the Christmas fair next Thursday.
I hope I can manage to meet up with my frn to go the Christmas fair before going to the theatre. I have a few things to do there
- buying the 1st Christmas presents (for Ha-na too)
- buying a few things for myself and a sheepskin carpet (if cheap)
- taking pictures of the city for Ha-na
And since I do't want to do all these things alone~
#2 Looking for new furniture
I need a big mirror and some kind of high board.
Although maybe I need to paint parts of my wall pink before again.
#3 Watching A Christmas Story and The Princess and the Fog
latter with my too little cousins.
Gonna be a funny night.
#4 Going to Hamburg and watch 'Lion King Musical'
I love Lion King!
I love shows!
So that's the best to happen on Christmas!
Will be there for 3 days (26,27,28) I think. Ok, shitty setting, since being there on New Year's Eve would be more fun actually.
Bbbbbuut, it's better than nth!
#5 My parents will soon have enough money and will to rewhatever my bath room!
Yay! (Ok this isn't a plan for Christmas, I know)
I still wonder if I shall have it pink!
I think not xD
Hahas. J/K oppa!
What an awful sentence!
I hate it when un-asian ppl say oppa to whoever (maybe esspecially to korean stars)
It just sounds disgusting! Partly, because I somehow have the feeling that they don't get what it means.
They say, it is a word to adress older boys, ok.
But I rly wonder if it is comparable to anh.
If it is, then I think being called oppa by strange girls is rly an imposition.
It's like strange guys calling you em. It's pervert! xD
(Ok, not always)
Also, I hate it when s.o. says oppas. Urgh, awful!
That's why I normally, don't say oppa to TVXQ guys.
Maybe I should say chú! LMFAO, ok I rather not, wtf!
Anyway, this eez it!
Gotta learn for chemistry now! (And watch One Piece! xD)
Chu, Ailing
*San Francheesco greetings*
P/s: I want to have an NY HEARTS ME tishatsu! (Like the guy of Supertalen)
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