As I'm watching Detective Conan 134 and a few Japanese fashion magazines, I'm writing.
Whatever I do, it takes a shitload time to load.
I wanted to say one thing or two, but I totally forgot what~
Something about J, I think.
Gosh, I really totally forgot.
j/k (but seriously)
Bright songs match bright weather leading to My life is wonderful! Forever!
Best weather for cleaning up one's room!
My room looks like a shity fuckload of junk right now! The only thing missing are rotting pieces of pizza, apples and fermenting apple juice!
I've got sports with the boys for the rest of the year.
You don't know how bad I'm in sports, did I already mentioned it?
People mostly think that unathletic are kinda not worthy.
Like, oh my god, so uneducated, not caring for her body at all. Deosn't know anything about healthy lifestyle, so dumb~
Well, fuck those ppl lah!
Some ppl are just not as healthy as others, so what?
Sports can also ruin your body, don't know? Break leg, ruin your knees, tear your ligaments (Bänderriss), dunno lah!
Ppl should rly stopp trying to lecture others. Some things just aren't their business. And where's the sense of forcing your own oppinions on others?
I don't give a damn anyways~
Doing now sports is my contribution to the world, in order to show that everyone can live his own fuckin way!
Others so much cleverer than me ah? Where did they buy their knowledge from?
So, I throw 200g balls less than 13 metres far, I can't high jump (not even a metre I think), and most important: I don't do anything in the direction of sports in my free time (Ok, dancing sometimes~) Oh wait, I can't do one single pathetic push-up (speaking of up, I don't even get down~) and I can't do one single sit-up! Shocked what?!
Fuck you lah!
Well, and now I've got apparatus gymnastics (Geräteturnen) with the boys!
They're all just 100 times better than I (some are older alright, but still).
And also, the stuffs the have to do are much more dangerous than the girl stuffs.
I was so glad, that I could do a handstand and a feldaufschwung (what's it called, the exercise at the high/ horizontal bar where you stand behind the bar and swing your legs up, so that your turn around the bar and in the end, your base yourself with your arms on the bar~ gettit anyone?) (that shows that somewhere I have abdominals (Bauchmuskeln) not?
And now my muscles are aching along both arms and shoulders. 痛い!
Since around the Christmas time last year I have to sneeze 3 times in the morning after waking up!
And the snuffles (Schnupfen) for the rest of the day! Awkward!
I don't know why? Maybe someone thinking abt me very much ah?
Well, it can't be some sort of allergy, because during the day I have to sneeze only very rarely! And during nights never! Only in the morning 3 times!
That's it! I think I wanted to say more, but I tend to forget most things I want to blog abt!
I should start to note them somewhere~
Anyways, I'm so going to clean my room now! It's so messy, makes me so eager to clean it up !^^ よしゃあ!
Chu, ailing
*your music is my life for your smile*
P/s: OMG Blogger has this Pages-thingy like wordpress! I knew blogger IS 10000 times better than shitty wp!
was für ein pages-thingy?? ich finde aber, dass wordpress viel besser ist. hier hat man wenigstens eine große auswahl an plugins und man kann selber ein host sein. es regnet nicht, es schneit nicht, die sonne scheint nicht - so ist es bei uns. es passiert gar nichts! außer, dass es vielleicht extrem kalt ist..
ReplyDeletedie neuesten conanfolgen sind so derbe langweilig geworden ~_~ ich freue mich gerade nur wahnsinnig auf den film mit kid und ran >_<
genauu sport ist mord!! und wenn man eine gute figur hat und trotzdem nichts sportliches tut, ist das auch ne leistung! :D ich werde aber richtig athlethisch, wenn es sich um sportarten handelt, die ich mag... und kampfsport..whueey~
ich hasse aber den schulsport...D:
oh bon appetit xD ich habe lieber meinen eigenen host (: missha war eine produktempfehlung und ich habe diese rote tube auch auf ebay gesehn. die war deutlich günstiger als meine silberne, aber dafür ist auch weniger in der tube drin. ich glaube aber, dass ich die mir das nächste mal holen werde, zumal ich eh wieder neue brauch..nicht, dass ich bubzbeauty traue, aber wenn sie das produkt zum himmel lobt und es gar nicht sooo teuer ist xD und ja das ist eher flüssiges makeup als eine aufhellungscreme Oo dieses dr.jart-teil sei ja eine aufhellungscreme,die ist jedenfalls weiß und wird auf der haut transparent. ich sehe keine unterschiede - vllt. ganz geringe, dafür m+sste ich vorherbilder machen und das licht verändert sich permanent, soweiß man nie :/
ReplyDeleteOh Aini. :D I still remember your entry about volleyball... haha x'D It was really funny to read. ^^
ReplyDeleteAllright I don't do anything sporty in my freetime too. I danced for 2 years and played tennis for a year, that was it.
What about stepaerobics for you? It's like dancing, just a bit more powerful. It's really fun and you bring your ass in form. ;)
I got an A+ a year ago in sport because of that. ^^ (Because of steapaerobic not because of my nice ass)