Well, for some reasons, I will explain more detailed at another time, I was a tiny whee too occupied to blog!
AND - I still have nth much to tell you!
Homestickers I made my mom buying
Yesterday, J and I went into the city. He needed a new hair cut and a new pair of shoes.
At the hair dresser's worked a Chinese guy I knew, totally didn't know that he was a hair dresser. He was cutting someone's hair who was 80% sure NO chinese, but angmoh! And I swear they were both talking Chinese!
How crazy is that?!
And now my brother look like Changmin from the side.
Like his hair has the same shape as Changmin's hair at the moment.
As for shoes, the shoe store we went in, had sellers who were even more nasty than in Vietnam. Really awkward. But it doesn't help, we couldn't find any nice pair.
After that we went to Mueller's and they are currently selling many Hello Kitty stuffs for bathrooms.
There were things like brushes + pumice stone in one, or massage bands, and sponges etc. The problems is I already bought a set of those things in pink a while ago, so it would be really stupid if I bought everything again!
But maybe I'm buying this massage glove~
These are the only thing I got, because of all things I bought for my bathroom, I don't have catches.
Oh and I bought these cute socks, they have those sticky things at the bottom, so you can use them instead of shoes
Oh and while I wasn't at home on Wednesday, craftsmen came to look at my bathroom in order to plan their work(?)
I will get new tiles soon and I still waver between completely white, white and pink or any other pastel shade.
The ridiculous thing abt is, is that my parents usually never tell me when things like that happen. So when I came home and my walk-in closet was emptied, all my clothes were in my sofa, I wtf-ed and asked J what happened.
He didn't know it for sure himself (although he was at home) and only told me that 4 men came to look at my bathroom.
Makes me wonder, if they're kinda (bad-) planning to surprise me with a new bathroom?
Or are they just thinking it's none of my bussiness how my bathroom will look like and therefore find that it's not worth telling me?
Right now I wonder when the next step of the now already 100 years-lasting Revamping my bathroom project will be done. Maybe next Christmas, aye?
Mittens and hair ribbons from last time
I know, it's not Easter yet, but I couldn't be bothered. Icon pack is also still the same (as last time)
As for further new stuff I'm gettin
Yes, I don't have a widescreen. I hate widescreens.
But my screen is super old, so I need a new one, but there are practically no normal screens around anymore.
My mom is more or less forcing me to
Actually I want a laptop (she says I don't need right now, but, I need a new screen).
When I tell her, that then I would have to throw the screen away in 1 or 2 years she says, so what?
So what? Not even my money and I care, so she should also care.
Chu, Ailing
aww die sachen sind süß und schön rosa! die socken vor allem...hello kitty haken sind für mich zu klein, ich hab welche, die man an der tür klemmt.. dienen nur zur deko x)
ReplyDeletedein desktop ist süß mit moccha und co. ;.; du willst keinen flachbildschirm sondern ein röhrenbildschirm? wieso? ist doch platzsparender, wenn man flache hat...und die bildqualität ist um einiges besser.^^
mein badezimmer ist ein hoffnungsloser fall. hässliche fliesen.. ist ja auch nur die schäbige bruchbude meiner eltern^^
danke für deinen kommentar^^ ich weiß genau was du meinst.. hätte ich auch gemacht. aber manche eltern haben nicht das durchsetzungsvermögen und wenn die kinder schon so verzogen sind kann ich mir gut vorstellen dass die die eltern total unter druck setzen und sie sozusagen auf "liebesentzug" setzen und trotzen, solangs kein geld gibt O.o manche werden da schwach.. ist jedenfalls schade was geld aus einem machen kann .__.
ReplyDeleteaaaaber deine sachen, die du gekauft hast sind sowas von ultrasüüüüß!