I had 3hree strange dreams.
- CHECK OUT Jaejoong's twitter !!! It reads
JYJ from 東方神起 always keep the faith
My heart skipped a beat when I read this. One day the five of them will be all together again. fangirl
back to my dream!
I dreamt that Jaejoong and Changmin had a convo in twitter! When I saw that, I was so full of hopes, although I didn't understand anything of their Korean writing (so actually they could have fighted each other Hahas ♥).
Changmin's nick was sth like TVXQ________________5
Woah! What a dream!
And it reveals a lot about things which suposedly trouble me a lot...not. - I was doing some retarded break-out thing with Mr. 3 and バギー, eventually even Mr. 2 ボン クレー joined us.
I don't exactly remember what we were doing, but we were in danger. Well it was not breaking out of Impel Down. - I was placed an order which I had to fulfil within the next day, while some bad witch chased after me.
My vehicle: a monstrous carriage, drawn by approx. 6 centaurs.
But not ugly, aggressive centaurs like in Harry Potter, bt nice ones, half bambi-like, half human (ok, this means that technically they weren't centaurs, bt who gives a ****)
I remember chasing down some dark forest with the witch flying behind me, and...
I screwed the job!
All the centaurs died!!!
I was so sad, that I kneeled down by their dead bodies and started to cry (!)
And then - because of my kind, guileless, innocent nature - the centaurs were revived by my tears! (I swear when I kneeled down to buhhäääääää there was some fairy-tale-like narrator voice which said exactly these lines!)
In case you are interested in the ending, whether I was able to fulfil my tasks or not:
I met my family during brunch time in the forest the next day (I set forth the evening before) and they persuaded me to have some tea and cake and because I still had much time until the evening, I stayed with them for some snacks.
DREAM END OTL______fail
I'll be in London soon.
I really truly love travelling!
Even booking hotels, flights and trains. I booked everything myself and the feeling is super shiok!
I don't know abt third party sites, but I kind of don't trust them.
So I booked the hotel at a travel agency, but as for the plane ride and train to the airport, I think booking directly is really cheaper!
I got my flight for 40EUR less (than @ the travel agency) via Lufthansa.
Let's pray that I'm going to share the pics I'm going to snatch with you!
I'm leaving this Saturday, will return next Thursday and right on Friday I'm going to leave for Vietnam.
I gonna accompy my mom for some business, and we will even bring my little cousin along.
Do you know what I noticed?
Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam, but it doesn't hv any proper public transport system! (except the cabs - bt I swear that those guys are cheating!)
So, when my mom is busy w/ her work, I can't go shopping whatsoever, because how the fuck am I getting from A to B?
Talking abt uber fail.
And I know from some Chinese guy (you know the business man guy!) that Hanoi got some shopping centres.
In the end I'm going to hang-out w/ my little cousin, hope she can teach me some Chinese, cuz mine is like 我爱你. 你愛我嗎?
+ I also hope that I won't get a tan! And no break-outs either!
A tan is exactly not what I need. I dunno how much time it needs to get fair again~
Here's the list of (some of the) places I want to visit in London
- Buckingham Palace
- Jill Stuart
- Hard Rock Cafe
- Harrod's
- Hyde Park
- London Eye
- Burberry (Factory Shop)
- Topshop
- Cath Kidston
- James Smith & Sons
- Agent Provocateur
- Urban Outfitters
and several promising eateries!
wtf my post got deleted!
Chu, Ailing
lol deine träume!