I found such a maaaaaad
Ok, I confess, out of all FTI members, in matter of beauty, I personally totally love Jonghoon most.
But if I had to take an objektive decision about everyone's handsomeness, I couldn't decide between Hongki, Jonghoon and Minhwan and Jaejin (yes, I truly think that Seunghyun is really not that handsome).
Oh yeah, Wonbin is fucking handsome, too, although not so many ppl agree with me on this point.
Well, well after some years of restraint, I just had to write something about FT Island, sooner or later the stowed obsession must be let off a bit.
Talking about years.
I hope next year is going to be the best year of my life. And in case I like you, or you are a total unrelated person to me, you may feel included in my wish!
Lots of luck for your love life, money, happiness, health, joy and satisfaction!
(For people who I hate: cancer, cruel death, preceding suffering among all family members, such as rape, murder, betrayal, loss of assets, etc)
On a sidenote: Who thinks 2012 is going to be the last year of the world, mankind, the universe, time itself?
As much as I would love to observe how everything's going to end, I think this wish won't be granted.
This street is subsiding down, we are soon to lose our home
Even if the world was to fall apart
Dear, I will never shed a tear
I won't let go of that feeling of having loved
I treasure all the memories with you in them
Even if the world was to tilt
Dear, I will never say goodbye
No matter if the threat of the end looms stronger
We will not be tired if we have love
Some days ago, I watched a documentary film about the Mayas and their calendar and end of the world etc.
Something they said really fascinated me. They said that the Mayans' comprehension for time is completely different from the Western way to understand it.
So goddamn mind-fucking!
For the Mayas time is sth which constantly repeats itself, it's like a circle. There's a certain pattern of events (sth like that la), which after some time return.
While for us Western people, time is like a continuous line, it never comes back again and is forever gone.
Isn't it awesome, that sth, we thought was so fundamental and established as the fact that time passes by, can be questionend or in fact repudiated?
This knowledge allows us to regard our daily doing (and maths and physics *cough*) in a totally different manner.
Don't these two ways of understanding for time determine our whole attitude to life and philosphical reasoning?
People complain about being occupied with their work life too much, everything we do has to be done early, younger persons are better off than older ones, we want to save time and to win time, but if we, too, understood time as something repetitive, wouldn't our lives maybe be much more relaxed and easy-going?
I really wonder.
It's a nice example to show that actually, everything could just be a matter of oppinion.
Actually, the film came to a quite sober ending, like 2012 is just gonna be a normal year, I even forgot, what period is going to repeat itself.
But even this gave me an idea.
If 2012 doesn't bring us the unexpected events we longed for, why not help to make them happen?
To cut a long story short: Ever had a sick idea or mad plans? Now's the time to turn them into reality.
If mind-blowing things don't happen by themselves, make them happen!
I'm a bit bored atm, luckily I have a box with candies from A., which I got yesterday at a belated birthday present.
Us girls were hanging out yesterday, indulging in our fav occupation: bitching abt others
Ok, actually we don't purely rail, we also review people of interest. Like handsome guys or pretty girls.
Very elevating I tell you.
There are no moments (at least in a girl's life) which are as unifying as having the same (negative) oppinion about another human being.
In these momemnts you really feel the true meaning of friendship, or even more ultimate spiritual kinship.
Apropos, guess who is blogging in English?
All my international readers can now, too, enjoy smelly life's stupidity*.
Have I been too mean on her, when I first called her a mentally underdevelopped, subnormal existence?
Nah (>.<), I dun think sow (Ö.ö) Juh guys must agree wif me(°_°), dat while being 20 yearz old :O, she is pwetty sick, rait? (-.-)
How fucking immature is that chick? The way she uses letters should be forbidden and made a punishable offense.
* One last thing about this unhappy creature
Man sollte den Menschen nicht gleich beurteilen, nur weil der doof ist und Unsinn auf seinen Blogg schreibt ^^
One shouldn't immediately judge a person, only because he's stupid or writes nonsense on his blogg ^^
I agree with her.
Maybe a person who uses his blog to violate a keyboard is in fact nice? generous? warm hearted?
But what I can be sure of is that this person is stupid.
Thanks smelly life, for confessing that you are quite dense.
Bullying people with low IQ can sometimes really open your eyes, and suddenly you catch a glimpse of how very deep the abysses of human idiocy actually are.
See, this is not the first time that she's dumb enough to write stuff in which she obviously agrees with me about her imbecility, but I wonder everytime, how can she NOT realize it?!
Beats me.
Well, there are enough good-for-nothings out there, smelly life is just one more punishment for mankind.
Chu, Ailing
P/s: Apparently she got sick of it after two posts.
just passer-by
ReplyDeleteyour blogskin is cute!