stinging cold,
grey skies and barren
IOW: best month! Oh November how do I love thee, thou my birth month!
I have a theory:People love the month in which they are born best - always. And they will look down on those born in other months.
Don't tell me you just not shook your head in disbelief and thought November is a fuck of a month when you just read what I wrote! Admit!
After a while of thinking about this hypothesis, I saw myself forced to alter it a bit, taking into consideration the unhealthy majority of our population, who might be too mundane to pinpoint their favo month, so here's the improved formula:
I tried to confirm my theory by using my family members as tests objects (whereas only my bro was cooperative enough to join my groundbreaking research):
TO 1: February
TO 1 states that February is the best month
Just the fact that it's such an inconspicious month makes it very special
Upon my statement that November is the best month TO 1 reacted with remarks of mockery and utter pity
So my brother confirms my theory!
I have more evidence, which I can't include into my academic essay, because after this short convo, I confided my theory to him (but you should never reveal the aim of your scientific studies to your test objects, because they might - consciously or unconsciously - influence the result.
His reaction: What? Can't be!! People don't always like their birth month best! I would suicide if I were born in April or May for example! Those are months for losers! double confirm
TO 2: January
TO 2 doesn't think January is the best month, because it's too cold and bla bla
I abandoned further efforts to get more sentimental answers from this reason-controlled man who is my father.
TO 3: October
TO 3 abstained from commenting my thesis with the remark 'Stop this bull'
In order to save my life I didn't insist on an answer, but ran. Her reaction was so obvious
Although I firmly believe in the validity of my theory, I must admit that the state of evidence ist still shaky.
Personally, I disliked November when I was a little kid, thinking that being born in Summer or Spring must be much cooler
In order to create a firmer basis for my theory, I'd like to invite everyone of you to comment on this blog post about whether you like your birth month most!
confess confess confess
Oh yeah I just found this What your birth month says about you
Apparently, I'm a unique and brilliant brain, who loves to think about everything. Therefore I'm very deep and mysterious, difficult to fathom and unpredictable.
Same here
I found a really easy recipe for a funny Halloween drink, call it Bloody Eyevy
What lychees, cherry juice, other juices or liquors
How put the lychees into the cherry juice and let them soak overnight. they will look more or less like bloodshot eye balls.
mix with other beverages until you like the taste
How put the lychees into the cherry juice and let them soak overnight. they will look more or less like bloodshot eye balls.
mix with other beverages until you like the taste
As always, it's really too cold for any outdoor activites
Apropos, evil ghosts, malicious demons and other vengeful bad spirits
I'd like to share another of my Words of Wisdomn with you
After thinking the matter through, I came to the conclusion that supernatural beings who torture humans are stupid and idiotic
Well, first of all, there are two kind of evil spirits:
#1 The Vindictive Victims
Ghosts of murdered people, so to say (it's just no alliterationOk, I understand that it's not nice to be killed by your unfaithful husband, abusive neighbour or unloving mother
I always think that once you are dead you become sth like an angel right? Nearly god! And does god spend all of his time giving people a hard time? No!
Because it's a friggin unnecessary and mindless thing to do!
Also you became a transcendet being already, please behave accordingly and leave earthly and lowlife feelings such as grudge, anger and hatred behind! It's so below your dignity!!
What's worse - messing with complete uninvolved persons (ie haunted buildings)
Please, logical thinking is always applicable
Ok, IF you insist on people knowing the truth, then why must you scare everyone to death in order to force them to plumb the secret of your decease!
Cannot just write a note like
Hello Officer Don Kanonji,
I was killed by your colleague, Shawlong Qufang. My corpse is buried under his garage and you will find evidence of my murder here (place 1) (object 1) and here (place 2) (object 2).
In case you think this is a joke mail by an earthling, I have enclosed a lottery ticket with this evening's winning numbers - as a proof for my 'supernatural existence' and as a simple token of gratitude for your cooperation.
Any more questions? Think about them for a sec and I'll get back to you in no time.
Thank you and have a nice day Sir!
Sincerely, (your name)
P/S: Your wife is pregnant since Monday! Congrats!
P/P/S: Should you not take action after reading this (although I just presented you 23,000,000 $), I shall not guarantee that Sybille is going to give birth to a 'normal baby' (you know what I mean?)
Can't say I didn't try to be nice....
and conjure it unto the policeman's desk?
It's not damaging to the nerves and - interesting for you - much more time-efficient!
Why even bother to make a detour to layman who first have to contact the police before everything can be officialy solved
An even easier way is to just possess the murderer and make him confess! Written and orally!
I only don't know if normal dead people can possess others...
Which takes us to the other kind of evil spirits
#2 The Diabolic Demons
these are spirits which like to bring about damage because it's funActually, I don't know why they do what they do, but I can't think of any other reason as fun.
Because, what did anyone ever do to them?
So, it's harder to argue with those, because they have no real reason for their actions
I can only say that it doesn't make any sense and that there certainly are other fun things to do.
Also they are mean for abusing their powers! MEAN!!!
Would you like to be treated like that? No? Then stop it! Thank you!!
So, I guess next time you encounter evil spirits or the like, just debate with them until they admit that they are wrong!!!!
Ok, that's it for today! Happy Hallowe'en!!!
Have a nice party! Collect many sweets, but don't come to my house pls!
Chu, Ailing
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