Having some alone time that I try to use a bit productively by blogging what I said I'd blog. I spent a fun girly weekend with my friend and now I'm alone at my place. I love alone time, it makes me feel like I have all the time and freedom to do what I want!
Bought the Vogue, Elle (which comes in a double edition) and the Harper's Bazaar at the station and can't wait to read them. I really like the Harper's Bazaar (I guess normally you call it Bazaar, I also don't know why I'm always adding Harper's), though it's quite different from the Chinese one (normally I read that). Also my art book from マツオヒロミ (Matsuo Hiromi) arrived. Her works are so captivatingly beautiful, I adore the sultry, yet innocent look of her girls and especially cherish all the charming and lovely details in her illustrations, as I too, loved details... back then... in the old times... when I drew.
I found this very cool New Year's resolution list on Pinterest a while ago. The way to organize countless of dreams and goals into those essential categories makes it sort of true-to-life, so I thought I'd share it with you and fill it out, be it just to see where my priorities lie. A few points I didn't like so I added my own, the last 3. I gave up on resolutions last year actually, but I must admit, this one makes me a bit motivated, but I don't keep my dreams up too high, so yeah we'll see.
Does anybody out there does NY resolutions? I'd really like to know what kind of things you guys would like to change so let me know down in the comments section below (to say this youtuber-style).
the worst, really the utmost baddest habit of mine (maybe of my whole generation or humankind? ㅋㅋ) is procrastination. If I could stop that I guess I would be elsewhere by now, on Mars digging after proofs for life or by Jonghoon's side ㅋㅋ. Joking aside, I hate procrastinating so much, but mostly I can't do shit about it and it makes me so disappointed and frustrated with myself like really~ /rage So this time, please just let me do things. |
A new skill? I'm not ambitious in that way, maybe improve in photography a bit? Or in cooking? Or in Korean? Or maybe even starting knitting? Well, nothing really new that I feel obliged in being able to. At some point of time or with another mindset people might feel the urge to constantly gain, but I'm at the moment in a 'deepen' phase. |
hm? had I to name a person I'd want to be more like it would definitely be Queenie Chan, loving, inspired, self-believing. But generally? As in 1 I'd say just less procrastinative, more productive person. Using time wisely and aware of what I am doing. | I never felt the urge to do a good deed. I do think about being a good person, bt not in the sense of a specific landmark deed. So if this improves life quality, I guess the most concrete thing I ever thought about is maybe sponsor a child, or some pet. Or wait, is living green a good deed? If yes then going w/o plastic bags when I have other transportation means with me is a nice challenge. I do this sometimes, but not as consequently as I could. |
wow this is not so easy, who give me money? I really want to go back to Singapore. Not even Japan or Korea. I absolutely must go back at some point of time and this year would be really perfect... I have talked about it with my friend earlier and we both agreed that this would be more than awesome!! | Luckily, I have a book I really want to read. I don't really read and most books I see I don't like, except for this one book. It contains works from my favourite columnist and is quite inexpensive. I just never came around to buy it! Guess it has to be this year. |
people and letters la... As if everyone had people who care for them - and even if, not everyone cares for someone the 'I'd so love to receive a letter from you'-way. But I could write a letter to my grandparents though... Now that I think about it... hm~ |
this is one of the points I added myself. Recently I think about getting my helix pierced, twice ㅋㅋ. I wanted to do it the past few months, but didn't had the time to really inform myself about all the necessary stuffs. If piercings weren't painful or somewhat dangerous (and maybe cheaper) I'd add tragus and two piercings below my lower lip, like Berry(?) of ichigoflavour. Not sure how those are called in technical jargon~ |
weight-loss! been doing this for ages without any result (that lastd long enough to say so), so heck this year is the year! amen! | I don't even dare to write about this, since it's so ridiculous for me to just not have the courage to make it come true, but I swear to myself, I'll try!! |
So ok, time for dinner. After that I have to pack anew and strike off again.
Chu, Ailing
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