How is procrastinating so.... I don't know.. hard to stop once you start?
I don't mind doing homework regularly when I'm doing it, but when I'm not doing it, I can't.
Like now....
So, we are moving... again. This is the 7th time? (didn't I count 7 times last time I checked?)
Anyway, so yeah, but this is probably the last time.
As always I'm super excited to decorate the new home, but this time (as I matured haha) I try to incorporate my parents' personal style (as far as they have one) into my concepts and also I tried to find a decor for me that would last for a long time.
I came to the conclusion that I wanted an ecclectic, English country, exotic mix for my parents and an ecclectic, boho, Scandinavian something for myself. This my sound impossible to create, but since when have I ever chosen to easy way.
As a true design freak, I have already planned through the complete hallway from door to plants, and the guest toilet (and part of the garden and the front yard and gate).
When it comes to design I'm a terrible absolute perfectionist, everything has to be perfect, I don't compromise (see my waste basket, around 60 bucks). I'd rather spent some extra bucks for a door knob then living with an ugly one, or if I can't find any that I like, then screw the door knob, better live w/o it.
Anw, moving is really fun, I hope everything turns out how I want it!!!