Anways, the deletion of the previous post has many very founded reason
I'm a good person, ain't I?
As soon as I don't have stress with school anymore, I blog for you!
Having a life without school-life must be wonderful!
Today I didn't screw up in a maths test!
Well, well, but it was also not perfect! How disappointing~
Then again, I'm waiting for spring to come (what a jump!)
It's not like I'm a sun/warmth/spring and the things related with it lover, but somehow this cold, grey wheather is so un-gal, that I wish it was spring!
The more important thing:
I already told you that I'm going to do my paper (what a fuck translation) abt something related to Singapore.
Thus, my mom seriously urges me to fly to SG !!!
Actually, I'd love to fly, but alone? Never!
All my other friends, either have no money (since I'm already going to France with them) or wouldn't even be allowed to!
Yesterday I told Angelababy about it, and at least, she didn't say No, I'm not allowed.
I so hope that her parents are going to let her fly with me!
My mom also checked out how much it will cost, and 10 days in a ★★★★ Hotel are abt 2500€. I guess that's not cheap, but I guess it's manageable, isn't it?
Btw, what's the difference between Superior Room, Deluxe Room and Premier Room ?
(Hopefully, TVXQ will perform there for some reason during my stay!)
Anyways, I didn't tell you that my cousin has been flying Vietnam, did I?
Well, the most awesome think abt it, that she had a 6h stop over at Seoul
I gave her some gazillions of money and told her to buy me all nice stuff she can lie her hands on.
And also all kinds of stuff from Vietnam. She even asked me if she should get me Hello Kitty stuff, because she'll get those for Nana and Lena anyway.
Now, I'm waiting for her to come back and bring many many pink things
Lastly, look what my mom's done to my bangs.
Pic taken yesterday before going to bed
After washing my hair I tried to put in curlers, but I totally failed!
That was when my mother came and put them in for me, super pro, lah!
Luckily, they didn't look like that the next day
Chu, Ailing
P/s: Dancing 4Minute - Hot Issue at the moment! I love it!
Ich find auch es ist eine Schande das Coco Lulu nicht so bekannt ist in Europa, Amerika etc.! In Japan ist die Marke ja schon sehr beliebt und man sieht auf den Straßen auch öfters welche mit coco lulu Sachen rumlaufen!
ReplyDeleteWaa Singapur, ich will dort auch unbedingt mal hin, naja das kommt noch! ^-^
LG Angi
cooler haarpony XD wirklich! mein cousin war in kyoto (japan) und hat mir nichts mitgebracht! aber das war eh ein mann, der auf geschäftsreise war |D stattdessen beschwerte er sich, weil es da angeblich nur fisch zu essen gab... naja
ReplyDeletedu hast aber echt viele logo-prototypen, hab ich nun festgestellt :) hoffentlich ist bald was passendes dabi^^
hoffe, du findes tbegleitung nach singapur^^ ich suche auch begleiter -> einige haben aus geldgründen abgesagt, sind stur, wollen woanders hin oder möchten länger bleiben, was aber mein budget übersteigt >_<
danke für die auflistung der songs^^ einige kannt ich schon, wollte aber besonders wissen, wer diese version von L.O.V.E. gesungen hat! hab recherchiert und auch schon herausgefunden, dass beautiful girl von 200 pounds beauty war! also nochmal danke ^_^
2.500€ for 10 days. That's pretty much. If I were one of your friends you've asked, I wouldn't join, haha. :D
ReplyDeleteI dunno wether I should be jealous or scared. So much money... I mean... for that money I could buy many many extras for my cam o.ô
But whatever I hope for you that you are able to fly there. Bring some nice pictures for your blog. ;)