
Friday, 23 April 2010

Sunrise (Love Is All).


I LOVE being a fan girl !!!
It's super duper totally more than enough to daydream about some star, who will never marry you anyway, than having some sort of boyfriend (only exception the boyfriend is the star you're daydreaming about, but this is so 99,9% not happening!)

I really don't need some mediocre boyfriend!
Please give me someone as awesome as Yuchoon, Jaejoong, Yunho, Hong Ki, Jonghoon, whoever! むりむり !!!

(And this entry was well planned years before it's execution, the crossover to the next topic is perfect)

Yesteray at the concert I decided to not ever marry any unmusical guy. NOT!
Go and learn some fucking instrument guys! (Drums are not that requested, but will get a chance)
Fore Jaejoong's, Yunho's, Changmin's and Hong Ki's sake, I will be accepting very good totally emotionally singing combined with an super ultra awesome voice.

Wait Hong Ki can play the piano and knowing him as I do, I bet Jaejoong can play the piano, too. I think he really can. He can.

Passionate musicians are the best!

(See it's so well planned)

Talking about musicians, a time ago I read an article about Lady Gaga.
The article said something about that she isn't a mere musician or her concert aren't normal concerts, but some totally retarded new combination of two words, which sounded greater than their actual meaning (and which must have given it's inventor a total boost for his ego).
Well, the author wanted to say, that her style is like new, hitting the essence of our society, combining striking sounds to overwhelming costumes and dance moves, expressing oneselfs in an provocative, but so captivating way, it's absolutely reflecting the spririt of the age,...

The Shape of Things, a play I visited two weeks ago or so, is about an art student, pretending to love a loser and during the time they're dating each other, does everything to manipulate him and thereby turning him into some (pre-)macho. (Not only his looks, but also his character). The peek is reached when she makes him getting a plastic surgery and abandoning his old friends.
The whole time she's talking about her degree dissertation (Diplomarbeit), but nobody knows what it is about, she only tells that it is a sculpture.

In the end she invited everybody to the presentation of her degree dissertation, the sculpture turns out to be her boyfriend, she took the easiest plastic material of nature, flesh and psyche.
Of course the boyfriend is shocked and tells her that she's a psycho, but she doesn't understand him and only tells him, that she's pitying him for not understanding her art.

Art, for her, is something that is allowed to force open the bounds of society and morale, or maybe it is even obligated to do so.
And by conducting the project on him, she did nothing but coming on the heels of other great artists before her.

The boyfriend replied that when Picasso shitted he didn't call it a sculpture, but simply a pile of shit.
And what she was doing, could have been done by everybody: running naked through a church or pissing on the streets is aso provocating lah!
Simply provocating is nothing!

It depends on whether you have a message to convey to other people or not.
That's so fucking right.

Please tell me what the fuck Lady Gaga has to say to us with her new shit Telephone?
Or the participating Beyoncé? (who is fat, I hate her, I hate her!)
The shit she has to say. I hate her attitude.

Here are the Ayumi Hamasaki videos I promised.
I like the song, the lyrics and the video (without that eye thingy in the beginning).
I think we shouldn't just compare or in anyway link it to Lady Gaga, although it's of course senseless too (or maybe just for us, but not for her).

It's just the stupid L'art pour l'art.

Sexy Little Things from her latest album Rock 'n' Roll Circus

I really like the playful music

When yesterday before the concert me and my father went into a bookstore, I grapped a book about modern chinese architecture and again was confronted with strange art.
I don't really like the combination of modernity and tradition, it turns out shitty all the time. But ok, if every Chinese nowadays thinks, he has to do something spectacular, let them be.

The only thinkg I learned out of that book is that I hate modern art painters (got nothing to do with the book OK!)
I think at least since some of my friends had tests where they had to learn stuffs about conceptual art, I started to dislike painters (OK, again got nothing to do with painters!).

It's just whatever crap they paint, they always have some stupid shitass explanation for us, which makes me think, why should I bother about understading a painting which looks like a bred swimming in piss, when a bred swimming in piss has absolutely no fucking meaning?

And that, my dear readers, just was the ultimate reason for why a prestigious law office would never accept me, because they're totally brainlessly biased and obsessed with modern art.

Also the book made me decide that I would never start something with an Asian, at any rate Chinese rich businessmen (1 exception).
They just totally scare me.
Rich Asians men make me vomit, really (exception this time are singers of course!).

There wannabe art connoisseur and savoir vivre way (I imagine they have) is totally unbearable!

And now enough of heavy thoughts, here is fob style for you:

Fob is for one like Viet Pride or so, but also is an amazing clothign style, which is sooo super awesome.

Totally modern, simply, sharp, edgy and not childish like gyaru.
It's mature, but nevertheless cute.
The colors are also not too wild.

Tada, that's it.
A long long post, not only pics, but also thoughts and the other way round.
Rejoice my blodgers.

Chu, Ailing

P/s: I had another Ayu vid for you, but I'm saving that up xD


  1. zu deinem tweet: ich will mir das lg gd580 aka lollipop auch kaufen, in rosa ^_^/ allerdings...wo hast du gelesen, dass es im mai rauskommt ? ich hab nur mitbekommen von wegen 1. jahreshälfte 2010 aber deutsche bestätigungen hab ich leider noch nicht gefunden :(

    man nennt es fob style`? *_* ich liebe es, ein longshirt, henkeltasche, strümpfe, ein fetter schal und hochgesteckte haare, ggf. mit brille... obwohl ich den gyaru-stil sehr mag:)

    ein fangirl zu sein kann aber auch echt frustrierend sein...aber wenigstens bist du kein blindes fangirl und denkst, dass sie einen tatsächlich heiraten würden..wenn, dann nur andere stars, ggf. kindheitsfreunde oder reiche =_=

    ich find telephone toll. genauso wie lady gaga. okay, beyoncé muss nicht sein, ich find sie aber nicht fett, sondren..ähh fast muskulös?

    reiche asiaten sind angeber und heuchler :D mittelschicht FTW! |D...
    ich halte von der modernen kunst auch nichts.

    ja..meine kleider sind eher romantisch und blumig. so vivi style eben
    es gibt zu wenig manhwa, und ich hatte immer das vorurteil, dass manhwaka zu lange wimpern (auch für jungs) zeichnen...trifft auch auf vieles zu. aber das, was ich vorgestellt habe, ist echt gut, viktorianische zeit und so schöne kleider...

    hehe, da hat dein bruder also beides. eine kamera und ein handy, obwohl ich es lieber seperat hätte, da können die geräte sich auch auf etwas spezialisieren...
    naja, ich hab eh zu wenig hobbys (haha), da kann mir so eine kamera nicht schaden hehe

    ja, ich hab auch viel zu tun, aber so ein wasserzeichen kann man ja, wenn man möchte, ein leben lang benutzen..ist ja nur einmal xD

  2. die paar cents sind schon bedeutend. ich warte, bis es auf 250 euro sinkt, denn das war eigentlich mein budget..mehr will ich nicht ausgeben (bin schon tot wegen meiner cam). 200 euro wären optimal xD

    ich wollte auch LG kontaktieren, hab's mich aber nicht getraut. bei SE hab ich ja damals auch den support zugemüllt hehe

    ist zwar auch importware und der händler ist offenbar aus der cshweiz, aber besser als irgendwie ebayseller aus hongkong^^

    yay~ ja, da träumen die wohl selber xD
    cocolulu ist auch ganz nett, aber da bleib ich doch lieber elegant und niedlich :D abwechslung muss aber natürlich auch mal sein, schon klar
    hmpf korean prides sind wohl genauso schlimm wie viet pride, aber der stil gefällt mir trotzdem, ich brauch nur noch so einen fetten schal

  3. hi,Just stopping by again to ask a question. You said I can add my current mood, what I'm eating, ect without putting it strait on html. How do I do that/add that feature?
