There are many things, which I'd like to share with the world, but some mental wall in my brain is preventing me from putting them into words, which satisfy my high authorial demands.
That's why.
Inspired by Korean fashion I decided to walk only in heels.
Korean heels are acutally about 9cm high + 2cm plateau.
This makes women 11cm taller than they are.
Considering that street models (idk how to call them) should be around 164-170, a korean women could be 181cm tall.
This is a bit very tall!
Anyways, I got the feeling that inside our house I can perfectly walk on heels, but outside the way I walk seems to be rather bumpy.
I need to practice a lot.
Ebay and online stores make me get addicted to fashion.
Although, there are some sick
So, most of the time I'm online, I surf Korean online stores and check out their shoes and clothings (and bags).
What I like about Korean fashion is the mature touch it has.
Often cool and edgy, but also very feminine.
Unlike gal fashion, which is very childish and cute, Korean fashion could be called stylish instead.
Since I like both styles I really started to question, my kind of style, or whether I got one.
I like childish&cute popteen style, funky&crazy ranzuki style, a bit punk&goth jelly style, romantic&classic vivi style and edgy&mature Korean style.
Wtf don't I like? I don't like too much punk and goth and decorah. Hahas ❤
Anyways, atm I'm focussing on purchasing Korean style and Vivi style clothings (but not Liz Lisa, I hate that brand!)
I still need a pair of skinny jeans (ordered at yeststyle now suddenly they tell me out of stock lar, fuck you!)
and a pair of heels.
As for the Vivi style, I need some oversized cardigan or some wool oversized top in general (see first pic at the top!)
(Actually Korean people also seldome wear tight tops)
Ok, here's a pic, I bothered to do for you, cuz I'm nice.
See any of the girls (kays, could be just one girl) walking around in baggies or non-heels?
Told ya.
Actually, (as with all fashion styles) you can always wear things which don't exactly fit into the style you are wearing, but it still looks convincing, when the rest of the outfit matches the style. (figure out the sense of this sentence yourself!)
Like, when they don't wear heels they mostly wear chucks/converse shoes, to maintain that cool and sporty look.
Oh and if you're starting some suicidal (is there any word like that? ok, a d was missing) thoughts cuz those girls' legs are imba long, rest assured, I swear, that they are pulled longer digitally.
And this pic shows you some of their shoe designs. Totally fantastic!
I know the shoes are really small on the pics, but you can take a look at the awesome outfits at the same time!
Everybody Yaaaay
err btw... you can click on both pics to see a bigger version of them!
The time will come when I do a post about the most beautiful street models.
Looks forward to it, since there are such beautiful beings out there!
Hahas ❤
+ I want an Alexa bag.
Idk what's so cool about that Alexa Chung faggot, since she's ugly as hell and looks incredibly old (ok, she is~) and her hairstyle is just i use my hair to scrub the floor can?, especially her fringe.
Retarded to the max. Woah, so ugly can?!
(Like and old witch)
And yes, I'm jealous. I would die just to be called Chung.
Chung Chung Chung. Pls go back to the place where your kind of people live, who cut their hair with a sharp stone. Gross! ty [Edit:and also it looks somehow super constant oily can?]
Anyways, the bag, which was named after her... poor victim, is well... idk by Mulberry?
No, let's put it that way, Mulberry just used some super plain bag shape for some of their bags, named it Alexa and suddenly it got all ex can?
In case you think Wah! Last time she say she wan Miu Miu bag, now want other bag! How she ever going to find a husband?!
I want both bags, kays? (in fact, I did say I want several bags~)
Actually, atm, there's a total of 3 bags I want!
In case the husband matter is really related to this: you got a point~
I'd also like to add, that no way I gonna buy the original one, cuz I don't support stupid, brands like Mulberry (may it go bancrupt Hahahaha) and that fugly Alexa.
I know H&M got that bag atm, but, the material is so cheap to the touch~.
Wow, I feel like I talk so much.
Bah! I wish we had sth to eat at home, but dun hv~
Chu, Ailing
P/s: I know I can't really call her faggot, but the words sounds so specially made for her!
P/p/s: Chu^3
P/p/p/p/s: which is the case with a.chung, uglyness darn, rihanna ('s voice), beyoncé, 90% of all models, haute couture, 99% of all chanel bags, john galliano's face and everything else related to the clown, valentino's V logo, IU (hahas ❤), nichkhun's (non-existent) singking skills and handsomeness, mediocre korean boybands, singing children, some babies, ...
P/p/s: Chu^3
I actually don't care about ugly people/ ugliness, as long as their obvious ugliness is not pervertedly underrated to an extent, that it is just widely regarded as beauty.
P/p/p/p/s: which is the case with a.chung, uglyness darn, rihanna ('s voice), beyoncé, 90% of all models, haute couture, 99% of all chanel bags, john galliano's face and everything else related to the clown, valentino's V logo, IU (hahas ❤), nichkhun's (non-existent) singking skills and handsomeness, mediocre korean boybands, singing children, some babies, ...