Errr... I have pics, but not that many LoL~
1st Anecdotes
- The passport control was incredible crowded and some people were already late for boarding, so everyone was extremely tense.
Suddenly a guy in a suit, who dragged a folded up wheel chair with him, arrived, barged in between the crowds and surged ahead.
Everyone started to protest, but the man just pointed behind him at a sign which hung from the ceiling.
It was a sign divided into the words Handicapped persons on the left and Crew members on the right, pointing out which desk was responsible for what group of persons.
The funny thing was that although the man surely wanted to point at Crew members he accidently pointed towards Handicapped persons! And he had even dragged a wheel chair along!
I was the only one to notice that, and for a moment I srsly belived he was handicapped. After realizing the mistake, I told it to my friend. I guess a bit too loud, because another crew member, who looked after the wheel chair, seemed to have heard what I said - At the arrival hall @ Heathrow there were people standing, holding signs with the names of the persons they were waiting for.
And there was a man standing and seriously holding the fucking iPad with name instead of a sign siah!How retarded can you get?!
- When were shopping at Oxford St, I suddenly needed to go to the toilet so hard, bt we couldn't find one (except at the underground station, which I didn't want to use.. costs money somemore) We wanted to find a certain Japanese restaurant. After hours of searching we learnt that it moved to another place. orz
Then when I suggested another restaurant, my friend didn't like it.
So we wanted to look for Mc, bt that one also nowhere to see
At the end, when I had nearly reached the point where I wouldn't care anymore where I peed, as long as I could finally pee, my friend did find a restaurant, which proved itself worth of my toilet-visit - In that Italian restaurant (Bella Italia - it's somesort of chain) the Italian waiter, Luigi, tried to get off with my friend. Well, he looked a bit like William. When we wanted to go, he said, that if we'd come again, he'd give us a beer for free. Nice what? (We didn't come again, btw)
- At Harrod's my friend saw a cute (he wasn't) Asian guy, so we had to run around the whole store in order to find him again
And as we did so, she didn't even dare to look at his face lah. OTL
- On the day before we left, my tube card suddenly didn't work anymore
I try try to tab the card reader and it showed nth + the door won't open.
The guy in charge told me to go ask a person of the underground system for help (at that moment I tried to access National Rail). I asked 3 guys and everyone tried out my card and it didn't work, so finally I went to a ticket window, where they told me, that I'd get a new card. (At that day my friend needed to go to the toilet urgently btw) I waited til it was my turn, when I explained my problem, the guy took my card, tried it out and it workedWTF!
- On the last day my alarm didn't ring! So were woke up 3/4h too late
We thought we'd miss the flight, but luckily we were still half an hour to early. I mean, we had half an hour time, before we could finally board.
Well, all in all it was a nice trip
I shopped mostly useless stuff at Chinatown and places as such.
Bought only one garment, and a handbag and a purse and a Juicy Couture charm
Wanted to spend my remaining money at Lush on the last day (bt we thought we were late already) so I spent it at the duty-free shop of Harrod's.
Vietnam was also ok.
But Vietnam Airlines~ The outbound flight was terrible
The stewardesses were also a bunch of haters. Such annoying bitches, absolutely unfriendly
The return flight however was completely pleasant. The stewardesses were damn attentive and even their English was better!
We wanted to have other seats for example and asked one of them if there were still others seats free. She told us that she thinks there won't be any (when all guests have boarded), but she will tell us later. Normally they never show up after that, but she came again and told us, that there were only individual seats free, not a row. At that time, there were still guests who haven't board yet.
My mom then asked another stewardess to look for us (LoL, I did tell you, that she's a sucking customer), even that one returned to answer us, and when the plane was already flying, the 1st came again to tell us that we couldn't move.
And while we were sleeping, they kept walking along the aisles, to check if everything was ok. Also they rushed to the elderly people to help them with their baggage and so on.
Gosh, nice people are so nice!!
Btw, I got a digital perm in Vietnam, my hair looks super totally AWESOME now
Luckily, my (and my little cousin's) babysitter knew a hairdresser, who did really a good job.
I had to sit there for 6h (!), cuz the err... they call it medicine (it's some sort of conditioner-like thing) won't take effect on my shitass hair!
When I had the machine on, you normally have to leave it on for 3 heating and cooling periods (that's how I got it at least), bt for my hair, the lady had to let it go through 6 times! Haha
Other than that, I didn't do anything special.
The babysitter went out w/ my little cousin one day. Also we went to watch that Vietnamese puppet water theatre (which is nice! but a little disappointing, beause the play had no story, or I didn't get it, cuz I didn't understand what they were saying/singing).
I didn't really went shopping, but I bought two Paris By Night DVDs!
Some people wonder why I listen to/watch this show.
It's because I simply love Asian culture and music
I love the style of singing, which is so different from Western or modern music.
On the surface it may seem boring or so, idk. But when you listen closely to the singers, you will notice the extra-ordinary emotionality in their voice and also the astonishing and yet tender accuracy they put in.
I also super love the sound of the instruments!
goosebumps at the end!
And Paris By Nights happends to be the only show of its kind, so I listen to their music. I wish there would be some sort of show like that for Chinese, Japanese and also Korean music
At the airport, when we flew home, a stylish Japanese behind suddenly screamd すごい!!! behind me
2nd Pictures
#1 Buckingham Palace
Since my sucking average cam can't make high-qualitiy pics and also no panorama pics (or however it's called) of the whole palace, I made do with these more or less close up pics.
#2 Buckingham Palace
#3 The park near Buckingham Palace
Whatever this building is, with the trees and lake around it, it looks like a magic castle.
Btw the two ducks at the left ain't swans, but pelicans.
#4 The same park
#5 Big Ben, The Eye and a British Flag
Nice shot, what?
#6 Seriously, I'm not sure, which building this yard belongs to, but it was near Big Ben, I think.
#7 Same as before
#8 Our shopping
Well, the Lush bag contains some bubble bath or so.
One Topshop bag with a pair of American flag shorts.
Second Topshop bag, I dunno what's in there. I forgot.
Ted Baker bag got a bag inside.
The big Selfridges bag got a Ted Baker purse inside I guess.
And the small one the Juicy Couture charm.
That's it.
Yah, I know, what no shopping haul pics whatsoever...
Next time or so, I dunno...
Chu, Ailing
P/s: I don't have any pics from Vietnam.
Not really~
P/p/s: Check out the song under the title!
I love the warm old-school voice of Tuan Nogc, Haha... and that he sings English classics!
P/p/p/s: The ship in the bottle can be found at Trafalgar Square
Not really~
P/p/s: Check out the song under the title!
I love the warm old-school voice of Tuan Nogc, Haha... and that he sings English classics!
P/p/p/s: The ship in the bottle can be found at Trafalgar Square
when i listen to dat music i zzzzzzz at once