I remember someone of TVXQ saying this in some trivial vid on youtube, so just imagine Yunho'd have said this to you and then it sounds less shitty, ok?
Have not watched one full match! Of neither country!
In case you are interest, I'm cheering for South Kreah and Japan!
And Germany won't win anyway, so don't be so enthu ppl!
And to that stinky deformed kid who cmted last time:
Whatever you say~
I have been quite busy shopping the last few weeks!
But don't be sad anymore, my fan!
Your net victim came back to you with lots of spoils to cheer you up!
This time I have sth nice for you to read! Please don't be sad anymore!
PWND! victim~
I don't know how much money I spent this month, but I think 600€ are not exaggerated.
Firstly, my mom sent me out with a few 10000000000000€ to get some clothes for Nice.
I should mention that my parents are totally in favor of the Vivi style!
Which means, something girly, romantic, pastell colors, dresses, flowers, etc
If I hadn't bought such kind of clothes, she'd have killed me!
After that I bought a Samantha Thavasa bag!
Samantha Thavasa !!!!
Never dreamt of having such a gorgeous bag! When I first saw them in Vivi, I immediately fell in love with them!
They are just totally gorgeous!
I love them!
Then I bought some Fila Big Bang shoes for J., which weren't exactly cheap and well, doesn't really, count but my mum bought me then two other dresses!
And I have to tell you about one dress!
Chinatsu, Miwa and I went to some boutique at the outskirts of the city centre.
I told them that my mom had a dress put aside for me, which I needed to take a look at and could buy if I wanted.
It's size is actually a bit too big for me, but it looked so cute that I still tried it on and decided that it was ok, so I would take it.
While standing in front of the mirror, Miwa make a joke about saying that the dress looks like it costs 100€ or so and I just said it costs 160€.
Both of them freaked out when hearing that, saying that I couldn't buy such a expensive dress, if I only find it ok. I tried to assure them that I really like it, which just got me sth like I wouldn't even buy it, if I really liked it!
So what, they told me my mom was crazy and that it's a careless way to tell with money!
Which is kind of true. I'm actually not a person that carelessly throws money after things, in fact I'm quite stringy, but some things are just worth it!
But I shall think more about it, when I'm spending so much money the next time.
Now, to the pictures I promised you!
The belt in the front would do lovely with the dotted jumpsuite!
The boater hat (OMG I got one!) is from Frankfurt! Chinatsu went there, and knowing that I wanted such a hat, she got me one (and herself, too).
Did I tell you the boater hat story? When I wanted to buy one?
Yes? / No? Whatever, I won't tell. I get a feeling of repeating myself~
So, for Nice I wanted to go for a Vivi stlye as mentioned!
That means, pastell colors, very girlish and romantic!
Here are examples:
I have bought a long onepiece (LoL), but it's actually not what I've been looking for! What I need is sth like this:
Long boho totally patterned onepiece and simple one!
H&M got many simple ones, one of it was even featured in Vivi or Popteen, and it got discount somemore! I'm going to buy it!
The pics are ninja'd from Vivi, Popteen, Ranzuki and Ray(?) issues of the last two months.
Well, I really recommend you the two new brands Jane Norman and Warehouse. They have very nice Vivi-style clothes!
Absolute awesomeness !!!
I think both are from England~
Well, I wanted to show you some pics of my online purchases too, but I'm too lazy!
Next time, ok?
Chu, Ailing
P/s: Yes, pics were taken in my new bathroom and the lighting is shit.
Machst du mal Bilder von dir in den wundervollen Kleidern?
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