Quick post before going to bed at [look at the time below].
Anyways, today my cousin came back, will see her on Friday and from what I heard she got me some nice stuff!
Short notes
it IS FREAKING GODDAMN ASS COLD! -17°C FUCKYOU!!! At least it's also snowing! (very beautifully actually)
JJ's birthday was JJ!
Oh is mad cute! Though I have a tendency to hate act cute ones
So, I said I would update, I update !^^
Pic made in H&M with Angelababy. Oh, I'm the left one.
Was in town today!
Bought a pair of totally cute mittens with pink ribbons and two LizLisa style hairbows! (H&M)
Actually, they sell so much cute stuff at the kids compartment at H&M, esspecially underwear, but not in my size (anymore/ at the moment).
That's why I bought stuff for my hair.
My cousin bought me whitening creams from Vietnam and Korea, korean sweets, cute hair bows and fake purses and err... more stuff !^^
The lid's shape is very cute!
The bag with the creams from Korea and a few cream samples (japanese).
The inside!
My cousin said she only bought this pack cuz it was on discount (as she said +100€ to 35€)
Like it! But won't use the set yet!
So, that's it.
Very unfitting to the title, that's way I shall tell you, that
Never before I've seen so much snow falling!
Sometimes it's just falling ugly, but often it swirls and dances!
Btw, relieved to see that Angelababy is totally serious abt going to SG with me!
She won't spend a single cent on things in city, saving it all to hit SG. Hahas ❤.
Heyho everybody!
I'm sitting at my aunt's and got abt 1 hour time to waste!
I can't edit pictures, I can't dance, so the only thing to do is to blog! (and her keyboard kinda sucks)
First of all, I got sweets for you
Anyways, totally good news:
Angelababy's parents said Yes*.
That means she can fly fly fly with me. Yays.
Oh and last time I forgot to say that it was 2500€ in a four star hotel for 10 days + breakfast + flight for 2 persons
That is uber manageable isn't it?
Btw the word uber, did you know that it's a German word.
The word über?
We happened to talk abt German words in English class today and our teacher told us that there were many English using German words, often because they're in.
I did know abt strange German words in the English language, but I thought that they were a rare phenomenom.
But actually there are so many funny German words, here's a list of a few:
Das ist gut
kaputt (so going to use this word, I hate the insufficient word 'broken')
nicht wahr?
spritz, spritzer
There are many more, I only wrote down a few I kinda fancied.
Yesterday, I was in the city after school with a frn and when I suddenly saw three asian boys in school uniform.
Not ugly boys, but uber good-looking, totally handsome, japanese-looking, with styled hair boys in school uniform. *gasp*
I noticed them too late, they were already staring at me, so I covered my face and shit, shit shit all the way.
We waited for the next tram after that and met a friend with another girl. I didn't pay attention to my surrounding and then again, too late: Five more of them came, I turned away, but one was already pointing at me.
After that they came, at least 100 boys in school uniform all over the place (also some girls with skirts, and those stockings).
My friends had to go back to school and I still had to get some things, so I went on alone. Disaster: On one side of the street were 20 of them, on the other side like 5. One of the 20 crossed to street to go to the 5. I wanted to walk past this single boy, but behind him. Walked uber fast, and only look forward, so that I didn't need to look into their faces left and right. Mistake, because of that, I didn't notice that both groups were moving towards each other, meeting in the middle of the street. Thus, I was suddenly surrounded by 25 boys in school uniform. The horror!
I think I nearly ran out of the crowd.
It was the same last year, but back then, there were 100s of boys in grey uniform, I wonder what they're doing. And also they always vanish so suddenly.
It's not like I hate good-looking boys, but somehow I have certain complexes, like sometimes I can't see things, although I think I would like them (e.g. movies) and also often I hate typical Asian things (photographing like crazy).
The other day I watched a German drama called Love in the city of the Lion (or sth). Actually the drama played mostly in Singapore, but it was a German production.
I realized that one doesn't need to watch Asian dramas to dive into the world of eternal love and bitter sweet tears.
Germans are also very pro lah!
I 100% need a credit card!
But I want one with individual design? Does anyone know if Sparkasse offers this service?
Chu, ailing *too wonderful Jaejoong*
P/s: It's JJ's birthday tomorrow! Let our wishes make it a beautiful day for him! Happy birthday, Jaejoong love!
Hahas ❤ (I lyke writing Hahas and making a ❤ after it
Anways, the deletion of the previous post has many very founded reason
I'm a good person, ain't I?
As soon as I don't have stress with school anymore, I blog for you!
Having a life without school-life must be wonderful!
Today I didn't screw up in a maths test! What a wonderful world!
Well, well, but it was also not perfect! How disappointing~ AHA!
Then again, I'm waiting for spring to come (what a jump!)
It's not like I'm a sun/warmth/spring and the things related with it lover, but somehow this cold, grey wheather is so un-gal, that I wish it was spring!
The more important thing:
I already told you that I'm going to do my paper (what a fuck translation) abt something related to Singapore.
Thus, my mom seriously urges me to fly to SG !!!
Actually, I'd love to fly, but alone? Never!
All my other friends, either have no money (since I'm already going to France with them) or wouldn't even be allowed to!
Yesterday I told Angelababy about it, and at least, she didn't say No, I'm not allowed.
I so hope that her parents are going to let her fly with me!
My mom also checked out how much it will cost, and 10 days in a ★★★★ Hotel are abt 2500€. I guess that's not cheap, but I guess it's manageable, isn't it?
Btw, what's the difference between Superior Room, Deluxe Room and Premier Room ?
So, whatever, pray for me and maybe maybe, I'll be in SG this summer !!!
(Hopefully, TVXQ will perform there for some reason during my stay!)
Anyways, I didn't tell you that my cousin has been flying Vietnam, did I?
Well, the most awesome think abt it, that she had a 6h stop over at Seoul
I gave her some gazillions of money and told her to buy me all nice stuff she can lie her hands on.
And also all kinds of stuff from Vietnam. She even asked me if she should get me Hello Kitty stuff, because she'll get those for Nana and Lena anyway.
Now, I'm waiting for her to come back and bring many many pink things (in 2 - 3 weeks).
Yesterday was my father's birthday!
But I will tell you abt it later, first of all I got to tell you sth abt a shop here in town, which is totally awesome!
I didn't know anything abt it at all, when on Dec 23 (one day before Christmas) Kei showed it to me, saying that she had to buy a present there for her friend.
OMG when I entered the store my 1st impression was that it was pretty messy.
But the I discovered the weirdest, most fantastical and on top of it all, crazy-girlish-kawaii things there.
Like pink keyboards, pink zhnged mouses, pink telephones, mad cute bags, pink toolboxes, pink gardening kits, etc.
There's a keyboard like this from Juicy Couture! Cool, what?
Ok, photoshopped the color of the phone more pink, since the color of their homepage sucked
I surely will buy a bag from there for 50 bucks, but it's worth it.
Unfortunately they don't have this bags on their homepage.
And now to the more interesting part.
We were eating out to celebrate my father's birthday and went to a restaurant of friends. (Since I watch so much Detective Conan I always think of the episodes where rich company owner-fathers are killed by their relatives on their bday.)
And it's so much fun to sit with the adults and listening to what they're talking about!
That's why when we go to a place where there are many Vietnameses I often like to stay with the adults more than the other kiddies!
The adults were talking abt other teenagers in town.
E.g. about T.
Hahas. I laughed my ass off, when one of the man said, he looks slightly ái (gay).
And the other man totally agreed and said, he dressed so damn weird and had like 1kg of iron hanging in front ot his legs (which means that he kinda wears a lot of iron chains somehow). And his hair is totally crazy...
I just sat their and smiled. Haven't seen the guy for a while and last time he still looked more or less normal. (No styla style or any pride things).
Then on of the the men said to me, that T. applied for some sort of korean modeling stuff (I can't remember) and he started to laugh so loud.
He also asked me why I didn't join that Miss Vietnam in Germany thing, but I just said, that such things aren't exactly my hobbies. He then said that joining wouldn't hurt.
Next they were talking abt some girls and how this of that girl was totally ugly, but looked so beautiful when she was little and so on.
So satisfying what they're talking, honestly.
My aunt said, that it's good that I don't hang out with all the Viets in our town, because they're all a bunch of nhố nhăng people, talking bad stuff abt each other all the time.
She's is totally pro in receiving all sorts of information! She knows more stuff abt all the other kids then I!
Like who is dating who, whose bf lives in another town, when they're meeting each other again, next holidays they're planing to go to A, they often go to B, because some guy is living there and so on.
Some ppl are so fail, lah!
Well, it shows that they're all stupid and that I'm totally being wise and mature and much cooler playing the slacker. Gotta love myself!
Byebye everyone and kiss my ass! Chu, ailing
P/s: Yes, I blogged, although nobody commented, you ungraceful stupids!
~~~ヾ ^∇^おはよー♪
I still have holidays, but woke up at 9 a.m. Hahas ❤.
(My back is gooddamn aching! I feel like a rheumatic prisoner! )
The days in Hamburg were totally fun !
It's such a big city, so full of people.
And such a player's city.
Casinos every there and then
Sex shops
Video cabines
The postcards there are also full of porn!
We went to go for a walk along a very notorious road. I think it was called Reeperbahn?
For some reason my parents wanted to see prostitutes (how to spell that, wtf?) . But they were disappointed, they ended up concluding that we were too early.
We also went shopping! Luckily most of us wanted to go shopping!
(Except for J, he NEVER wants to go shopping!)
The Europe passage there, has the greatest collection of Bench clothes. I saw a cute zip jacket, but too exp .
This is what I bought! Costed me 60 bucks!
The leggins have a スーパースリムレッグ! It took me hours to chose them (I think I'm a bit choosy. 20€
The trousers are totally すごええ. They got a boyfriend cut, I have been wanting such jeans for ages!
The mad cute bag is from One Green Elephant. J bought it for me as a uber belated birthday present. かわいいです、ね?
I still need loads of colourful pumps to wear my bf jeans .
Actually I'm not the type of girl who wears high shoes. Too lazy, too painful.
But I'll guess 3-5cm are manageable in everyday life, right?
I will edit my blog and add the link section now.
After that cleaning a shelf in my room. Going to through it away and buy a large mirror and highboard instead
Chu, Ailing *snow greetings*
P/s: It snowed so much! All my windows are covered with snow!